Tuesday, December 1, 2009

sounds a little rough

Dear QotD?ers,

There is a Beatles song "I've got a feeling" that is included in Beatles Rock Band. At two different locations this weekend, when people saw that, two persons simultaniously sang "woooohoooo." It was weird. The following lyric of the Beatles song is "A feeling deep inside."
I did stay home from work, and good thing, since I've had a fever. I also have a scratchy voice, reminding me of Senor Cardgage. He's my favorite scratchy voice character.
If you don't follow along in the comments, here's an udpate on my latest mistaken identity. Apparently there is some girl in Humble, TX named Kristen Brown who is causing problems for herself and me. It's not even my old car. It's just someone making dumb mistakes searching through databases and picking one of the Kristen Browns at random. Justin called the lawyers and told them I was not the same Kristen Brown they should be hunting down. I should be clear.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Who is your favorite scratchy voice character?

The Asker


kathleen said...

Well, to be honest....I have never given my scratchy voice a 'character' or a 'name'
I will work on that.

I hope all this name business gets straightened out.........

Jeannie said...

Ed Asner has a kind of scratchy voice...his voice, however, I like. He was the voice of the old man on UP.
Hope you are feeling better today, Kristen Brown, our, Kristen Brown!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Teeny Little Super Guy!

I have another Bizzaro Anne story. A&M also put me in their system twice. Imagine my surprise when I showed up and they asked me WHICH Anne Elizabeth I was? It was hard to imagine that there were any other people with my maiden name, let alone with my entire name registering at the same time! Investigations proved that they had put me in the system twice, but deleting me from the system proved harder. (It is always the case. Fixing the problem is always quite difficult.) Bizzaro Anne was billed, was failing classes for not taking the tests, etc.

Personally, I have had to come to the conclusion that a parallel universe leaked through some time ago, leaving a remanant of myself that cannot be seen or found. I need one of the tools that was used in the Golden Compass series.

I hope that this Kristen Brown is not such an occurrence. I have found it annoying over the years.

Tami Parker said...

Bah! You should change your name to Kristen SvatekBrownNoNotTHATBrownTheOtherBrownYouMoron.

That should cut down on these problems you're having.


My favorite scratchy-voice character is the Mrs. Doubtfire's friend, the one that helps him make the mask and wig. <3

groovysabrina said...

Oh! I couldn't think of anyone, and then I saw Anne's - and I agree. Teeny Little Super Guy all the way.

I had voice issues for about a week in November, and I completely lost it for a couple days. I sounded ridiculous.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Super big fluffy snowflakes abound!!! WOO HOOO!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

On my kitchen table this morning, I found a pecan pie. It is labelled as follows:

Oma's Choice
Opa Agrees
Schulenburg, TX

Why is there a Schulenburg pie on my table? Bob says he knows nothing about the pie or Schulenburg, but that we should eat the pie and be done with it.

Bob knows a LOT of nothing about anything. Kristen knows people in Schulenburg. My dad is always in countries when revolutions start. Kristen worked in my dad's office.

The dots are connecting! And ain't no way I am eating the Schulenburg pie!!

Forget the CIA, Aggie Engineer!! THIS IS A MASONIC PLOT!!! I think there is a secret code message in the pecan pieces!!

Dr. Fandango said...

Dear The Asker,
Three things:

1) Sratchy, from Itchy and Scratchy off the Simpsons.

B) I agree with TamiJean about the renaming. However, I am very good about making annoying lawers dissappear. Just something to keep in mind.

And III) You work for the CIA!?! My position has been comprimised. Excuse me while I jump out the window and type onamonapeas.
Dr. Fandango, Rule- Crash!! AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh.......

Mother of Three, Anne said...

And wasn't it always suspicious the way Mr. Ken called you Cyrstal? Caroline? Kathy? Christmas?

Oh, the dots are connecting now and I feel very used and vulernable!

kathleen said...

SNOW! We had snow this morning...probaby snowed about 1 hour from 8 to 9 a.m.
It was beautiful!
The ground was warm, so it did not
Puts everyone in the Christmas spirit!

mmnevill said...

The old lady from the Goonies and Throw Mama From the Train!

Kristen said...

lotsa answers today!

Mom, I volunteer to be your favorite scratchy voice character. The sympathy will help me feel better.

Other Mom, Ed Asner has a good scratchy voice. Grumpy with a smidge of hidden kindness.

Anne, TLSG is amazing. I'm glad you brought him up. Bizzaro Anne again! more proof that you live a crazy life that should be made into a movie. Bizzaro Anne failing classes is unacceptable, though I suppose that's what an Anne from Bizzaro World would do. If I find a Subtle Knife anywhere, I'll let you know.

TamiJean, AHAHAHAHHAHA! That man was hilarious! excellent choice!

Sabrina, thankfully I haven't had to talk to anyone much. When my voice gets real bad, I shift to a higher pitch which comes out less gravelly and more understandable, but also more rediculous.

Anne, Snow. I need to get that here. I have 7 days! And I have no idea how a Schulenburg pie showed up. Because you wake up at 3 hours before the crack of dawn, it was either a family member that stayed up late and snuck it in, or those elves that make shoes. Please keep us updated.

Dr. Fandango, 01) wonderful literal choice. 10) If they continue to bother, I will give you their address. 11) I'll keep denying my connection to the CIA! and you have a moat?

Anne, if anyone is a secret agent spy, it's Mr. Ken. Though I'll deny that he only used my code name: Crystal Green

Mom, Yes, please send me the snow!

Moo, that lady scared me in Goonies, but she did have a good scratchely voice.