Thursday, December 3, 2009

gamer skillz

Dear QotD?ers,

Another day sitting at home with tissues, ginger ale and a thermometer. For most of the morning I did not have a 'fever' (even though it was still 1° higher than my normal temp), but this evening it's back around 99ยบ. And my feet are freezing. it doesn't matter what socks or how much blankets are wrapped around them. They are warm in the shower and under the electric blanket. Today I also had chills and sweats, but I ate a frozen pizza, so i'm getting nutrition. I'll try to go to work tomorrow, since my doctor's note says I can and otherwise there's more paperwork to fill out. I'll just close my office door and put up a sign. Come on, antibiotics, get working already!

It looks like my plan for Justin's Birthday Snow is still on schedule for being early. Expect it tomorrow morning with additional inches in the afternoon. Regardless of how sick I feel or am, I will be in the backyard making Snow Americans with my husband for his early birthday present. There will be pictures.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Are you better at real driving or videogame driving? If you'd like, you can susbstitute 'driving' with 'skateboarding,' 'fighting,' 'jumping,' or 'commanding armies.'

The Asker


Jeannie said...

I do not play video games, except when the kids come over, so I guess I would say I am better at those things in real life. I could probably be a better driver in real life, as I get frustrated with folks driving habits in Houston.

kathleen said...

I am not better with anything video I will also have to say better in real life. I'm thinking with driving.

But then again I think I would be physically better off video skateboarding than in real life! I would not be better with either one...just safer. No broken bones for me! HA!

Kristen, take care of yourself. Get over this sickness! Have Justin get some of those 'heater socks' for your feet.

groovysabrina said...

I am terrible at video games, really terrible. When I was little and all the neighbors were busy playing Nintendo, I could never get past the first little mushroom man of Super Mario Brothers. I never figured out how to jump and move forward at the same time. This has carried on into the present day.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

It is a marginal call for me. When the video game replayed my drving, it looked like I was driving drunk and with my feet!! It was hilarious! I am reassured by my family that my real-life driving is acceptable, but only just. Let us NOT recount the story about dropping Griffin off at home and it taking me 45 minutes to get out of his driveway!!!

I have a short attention span with video games. After about ten minutes, I just get bored, so I do not have great skills with the controllers.

I think as many people believed my Snow Poles story as did my "I'm leaving A&M to go to cosmetology school." A disappointing number of poeple believed that, but it was better than having to say I was going to the other school.

Okay...They gave you antibiotics. Do you have strep? A bacterial pnuemonia? Cuz if you just have a virus causing your congestion and sore throat, I am angry that you have an antibiotic! ANGRY!

Not as angry as I was to battle ants in my kitchen this morning, though.

Jessim said...

Definetly real driving. Though I suppose if all the obstacles of video game driving were presented to me in real driving, then I'd be better at video games.

I hope you feel better- when I got sick my doctor said under 100 and I could go to work. If you have a cold virus (or flu) the antibiotics aren't going to help you, but hopefully your doctor presecribed them for a reason, and they'll help.

Tami Parker said...

I think I'm equally terrible at both video game and real life driving, it's just in video game driving I know my actions don't have real consequences, so I have fun with it.

I don't have "fun" with real driving.

I hope you get to feeling better, madam! <3

Jackie said...

Definitely real driving. Whenever there's a map without levels on Mario Kart, I fall off. I refuse to play Rainbow Road for this reason.

Still hoping you get to feeling better soon!

Jackie said...

*map without walls, not levels.

Jackie said...

Wow, after going back and reading the comments, I realize that Skittl and I constructed our answers eerily similar.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Ho Ho Ho! Here's a thought for the Asker, a person who adores nerdy chemistry things.

Jacob has this awesome chemistry teacher who has put up a CHEMISTREE for the holiday season. It is a five ringed stand that she has not yet adorned with festive lights, but the possibilities! I like the idea that she burn chemicals on each ring producing a colored lighting effect, but this would be difficult to accomplish for time periods longer than a few seconds! Drat!

Jacob is hoping she adorns it with plasma spheres.

I thought you would relish the idea of a CHEMISTREE!!

Kristen said...

2nd Mom, I appreciate when you play along with us. Thank you!

Mom, we are both better skateboarders in video games.

Sabrina, awww

Anne, I'm glad your family finds your driving acceptable, but I'm sorry about the ants. You can stop them with a line of toothpaste. They will not cross!

Jessi, our company told us not to come in if we have a fever so I took full advantage of their suggestion. It's an upper resperatory infection, so the antibiotics are doing good work.

TamiJean, I would never drive up an escalator in real life, but marioKart? hecks yes!

Jackie, I agree with you. i hate wall-less racing routes.

Anne, my chem I teacher in highschool had us do all sorts of stuff with our randomly assigned element. I still have the christmas tree ornament I made using all sorts of copper facts. I'd like to hear more about the CHEMISTREE as it progresses.

AggieEngineer2k... *VROOM* said...

I am a better driver IRL (I hardly ever go off-road or litter banana peels), but can micromanage armies and soldiers much better in-game. It's a toss up with firearm accuracy.