Monday, November 30, 2009

I encountered this twice

Dear Question of the Day?ers,

I'm starting to feel the sickness. In the morning I'll see if I'm going to work or if I should take a sick day. It's not bad, but there's an extra tickle in my throat that I recognize.
In more absurd news, I got a letter in the mail from a lawfirm declaring that my vehicle registration was going to be blocked unless I paid the >$400 I owe to the Houston toll road system. REALLY? Well, maybe not. the license plate referenced is not a plate I've ever owned. It's possible that my old taurus, which we sold last year, has been skipping tolls. But then how would my name even get associated? would they look up the VIN for the tags and mistakenly find my name? Southern Ford, maybe you didn't do a good job of transferring my title. This will be resolved. Did I mention that the letter was on pink paper?

Today's Question of the Day? is:
How would you finish this phrase: I've got a feeling __________ ?

The Asker


The Minears said...

wooo hoooo!

They play that song a lot on the one American radio station here.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

that this means something.

Yes, if the title transfer was not done correctly, the VIN number will still identify you as the owner and the fines as yours to pay. The state may still have you listed as the rightful owner of that VIN number and it may be a real problem for you. I hope it is not.

I had stressful dreams last night. Not only could I not find my bank in my dreams (the Wallner's home was the bank, close but deceptively hidden as the Wallner's home) and every time I tried to sign things, like checks, I signed them Mother of Three. Over half my dream time was spent trying to sign important things with my real name. And in the end, Sandra Jones left for vacation without me. Harumph!

Jeannie said...

...that Justin has shared his sore throat with you! Sorry. I am also sorry about the loss of your beloved cat. I know how much you will miss him.
I am having a great week. My students have started to sew and are SO EXCITED about it. That makes it fun for me too. Enjoy the cold weather everyone!

kathleen said...

that it's going to snow!!!
Yikes, we will have 27 degrees on Friday morning. We will see if the snow makes it to Dallas.

Sorry about your sore throat and
the hassle of getting things straightened out about the toll fees. Go get'em Kristen!

Yesterday I decorated my room for Christmas. How festive! All I need is one(1) extention cord and I have an extra one at home.
Enjoy the holidays everyone!

Tami Parker said...

"I'm high on believin' that you're in looooove with mmeeeeeee!"

(Yeah, I know, the lyrics don't match, but once I thought of it, I couldn't think of anything else.

Also, yikes on the car thing!!

The One and Only AggieEngineer2k said...

Car Update: Turns out there was another Kristen Brown in Humble, TX that owned this '05 Dodge Magnum, but hasn't had legal plates for two years. Somehow, *my* Kristen got associated with this thing. Law firm documented our declaration that she is not the same person. They said to keep calling and disputing if it lands on her again.

Ò¿Ó - "Harumph, I say. Harumph indeed."

AggieEngineer2k gives up w/o a fight said...

... that this car thing is not the end of "Kristen Brown" mistaken identities!

... that Kristen is really a CIA spy undercover!

... that QotD? is really a sting operation to track down an infamous criminal mastermind!!!

Jessim said...

Wow- hope the car mess gets fixed.

That's the problem with "normal" names. Both Kristen and I had nice unique ones and ended up with ones we have to share with lots of people

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Among the many wierd mishaps that have occurred in my life...
Apparently a less than fiscally responsible person has a driver's license number that is one digit different than mine. For over three months, I was barred from writing checks, because I kept coming up a criminal. But when I called the verification service and gave them my name and number, they kept saying that I was good and wonderful and thank you for calling. Criminal. Thank you for calling. Criminal. Thank you for calling. Hey, cash works too and keeps me on a great budget! After months of frustating calls, someone finally did some research for me and realized that I was in the system TWICE. Once as the real me, once as the criminal me with an erroneously correct dl number that linked me to "the bizzaro Anne."

That was loads of fun. So a double HARUMPH for the lazy law firm that said...Yea. Just keep calling! It would be beyond our capablities to fix this, or put a note in the file distinquishing the two, or anything really helpful!! Way to protect the innocent!!

Kristen said...

Angel-A, that is the answer I was most expecting.

Anne, That Sandra Jones is no good!

Other Mom, You are correct. he has shared with me his illness. ~weak cough~

Mom, actually I'm working on getting the snow down here for the 10th. This low grade fever is NOT helping with my snow divination!

TamiJean, I love that song, but not the 'ooga chucka' version that Alley McBeal was fond of.

Justin, if I were a secret CIA spy you would know about and not bring it up on internet blogs!!

Jessi, have you had any crazy mistaken identity stories?

Anne, that's AWFUL. I don't even want to think about it.

Jessim said...

No nothing crazy- but I get random facebook requests for people looking for a different Jessica M all the time. That's less annoying than your instances.