Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's from the closet, duh

Dear QotD?ers,

Happy Birthday TamiJean!! Hooray and three cheers Roommate! I hope your day is warm and cozy. The rest of us have stuff to do! Me? I'm on a day of vacation so I've got errands ad chores and christmas shopping things to do.

I'm not in the Christmas mood yet. Hopefully by the end of the day I will be. The Christmas Tree will help a lot!

Today's Question of the Day? is:
How do you choose your day's outfit?

The Asker


fabia said...

Well there's 2 pairs of pants that fit, so it's eeny-meeny-miny-moh there.
And then I pick the shirt with the least amount of spit-up on it and VOILA, I'm dressed!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Happy Birthday, TamiJean!

And a quite belated one to Aggie Engineer! (Psst! I think Dr. Fandango is either unclear about who Snow Americans are, or else he was involved in the ousting of Honduran President Zelaya, in which case you may not want his gift, as that is sure to bring H. Clinton to your door!!)

I choose my outfits based on warmth and comfort. In the long ago and far away, it was easy to be comfortable and cute. I no longer look so cute and must just aim for comfort that does not make me look fat and frumpy. Yeah!!

Great Christmas card!!!!

Jessim said...

I have 2 pairs of pants that I wear to work- they are the exact same. Then I pick a shirt, generally the first one I grab. I only have a few different style of work shirts, and all of them in a few colors. I really don't care what I wear.

I wear the same shoes to work everyday.

Tami Parker said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes! <3

My day isn't warm, but my outfit is, and I'm definitely cozy (a friend surprised me with a birthday white chocolate peppermint mocha!)

I usually choose my outfit via invisible flow charting.

Work or Play? (work today, boo!)

Legs shaved or no? (It's cold. Pants it is)

Sweater, peasant top, dual-layer, or business suit? (business suit today - I have a new brown plaid suit with shiny gold thread accents. I'm part Ferengi, I don't know if I mentioned.)

Tight hunter-green square-neck shirt to go under the suit jacket.

Shoe color to match - brown, but not the same ones I wore yesterday. So the scandalous toe-cleavage wingtips it is!

Bam. Clothing chosen.

Overall, I go for the same theory as Anne - cute, not frumpy, comfortable.

One might argue that glossy brown wingtip shoes and a shiny gold plaid suit isn't cute, but it's all a matter of perspective.

groovysabrina said...

Depends on if it's hot or SUPER hot outside.
SUPER hot: Look for a clean sleeveless top, then a skirt that matches. Wide-brimmed hat sometimes helps with the intense sun.
only hot: short sleeves might be considered.
If it's not a workday I generally wear a very light dress. This allows maximum airflow. I am looking forward to sweater weather in TX!

Happy Birthday, TamiJean!

AggieEngineer2k said...

Happy Birthday TamiJean!

I pick like this:
Meh, whatever's there. I'm a boy.

Dr. Fun-dango said...

Dear the Asker,
Yes! I agree with you justin! anything plus a labcoat and H2SO4 makes me happy.

Also, !!!naeJimaT yadhtriB yppaH

Things always seem backwards until you reflect on them.

Dr. Fandango, Lord of the Back-words

The Minears said...

I put on jeans, then find a shirt that isn't wrinkled. Some days I'm going to a meeting so I pick a cute shirt that isn't wrinkled. The big choice is in footwear, black boots, brown boots, rain boots, or snow boots. That's right, we finally got snow in Misawa.

It's much more fun to pick out Annelise's clothes because she has different colored pants and such. And because she's cute and adorable.

Happy Birthday to TamiJean the Super Queen!!

Kristen said...

Fabia, excellent decision making!

Anne, also good deicision making criteria. and thank you!

Jessi, that sounds so uncomplicated and I love it. I should get in on that wardrobe setup.

Tami, You sound fabulous, especially for your birthday! Now I really want to go through your closet. It sounds way more awesome than mine.

Sabrina, I can't imagine a climate where I have to worry about being that hot all the time. I'm glad you have a wardrobe to match.

Justin, as long as you don't forget to tell me you are running out of undershirts...

Dr. Fandango, I have two shirts ruined by high molal H2SO4. Some people just don't clean up after themselves.

Angel-A, does Annelise have a lot of footware options? I love baby shoes