Monday, December 28, 2009

new toys

Dear QotD?ers,

It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been on vacation and traveling to various locations around Texas. The driving is long and tedious, but it's great to see family and play games and chat and laugh. (thanks everyone!). I'm going to save the annual introspective for January, so we are going to spend this week wrapping up Christmas thoughts!

Because I want to hear more about Anne's cello..

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are the two things you were most excited about getting during this Christmastime?

One thing I am using right now! And it may explain any odd spacing you may have noticed that I didn't catch. I'm typing with my knitted convertable mittins. I've got the flaps up and am typing with uncovered fingers, but the rest of my hand are warm and cozy. I'm going to wear these to work tomorrow!
2nd, I got new digital camera. This will replace the one I got back in college that doesn't actually work anymore. It's small and blue and takes great pictures so far. I'll be sharing some of those pictures in days to come!

The Asker


The Minears said...

I received a couple of JoAnn's gift cards, I can't wait to spend some quality time on the website choosing fun stuff. I also really looked forward to my new watch, which I love.

Most of all, I looked forward to watching Annelise open gifts. She was only a month old last year and this year she was so excited to see what Santa brought! She especially loves the socks from my parents and a spoon from John's mom. Seriously, those are her favorite gifts. Why did I bother buying toys?

Jeannie said...

I think the best present was having family time together. It was great to start out at Thanksgiving at the Gages, then Friday night here with Barbara and Fabia's family, then to have Christmas Day with all of our children, their spouses and Sabrina and her parents. Presents can't be as good as memories.

Tami Parker said...

Bones, my iPod Touch. He was an unexpected gift - we'd decided he was too expensive and I'd resigned myself to waiting another year for the price to drop, but I'm super excited to have him. I love the apps (especially the eReader) and I plan on learning how to program on him as well.

Number 2? My dip pen and inkwell set. I feel ridiculously prosh and fancy dipping my nib into the inkwell and writing, and I just adore it. My fingers are acquiring a permanent black stain because I can't stop playing with it long enough for the old stains to fade.

AggieEngineer2k, the Ricey Archer said...

Favorite gift: Rice cooker (I'm super excited to use it!)
Second favorite: Wii Sports Resort

Also, most unexpected gift: an authentic Brazilian CuĂ­ca, from Brazil!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I got a cello!

I have learned three notes so far, but cannot seem to get the A. I have never played a stringed instrument before and it is a bit hard. I was really excited to find that Nick's SmartMusic, a program that he gets through school for band, allows me to access music for the cello on it. I thought the program may just have limited access for the clarinet, as that is what Nick plays. However, it does not show me fingering for the notes, so I will have to find that information elsewhere.

Nick and Jessica got several nicely framed drawings for Christmas. One is the hunting dog my great-grandfather drew and it is beautiful. The others are works done by Jessica, as it was noted that none of her art was framed and hanging, while there are several pieces by the boys on the walls. This is a problem, really. Between the art, and all the other instruments, I do not know where I can safely put the cello. HMMMM.

Here is the breakdown:

One piano
one cello
One mandolin
One xylophone
One bassoon
One clarinet
One electric guitar
One drums set
Two violins
Three bass guitars
Four guitars
Twenty odd drums
And on loan from the school, one bass clarinet

Jessim said...

Man I LOVE convertible mittens. Those rock.

Giftwise- I am most excited about getting a loom and getting a kit to make a knitted clock.

Holiday season wise I am most excited to welcome my two nephews to the family. That's way better than a loom.

Kristen said...

Angel-A, both great things. I bet Annelise was a lot of fun to watch. What sort of spoon is it?

2nd Mom, awwww, very sweet.

TamiJean, super technology and super non-technology. It sounds like you are loving them both and soon you will be come known for your stained fingers.

Justo, I am also excited about all of your gifts!

Anne, Had you wanted a cello? Was it a complete surprise? Your house has a lot of instruments. I don't know where you keep all of them. Do they get played regularly? are the 4 guitars different?

Jessi, yay! you got the loom! what will you make first? and Congratulations to your family on some twin boys. They are going to bring out some crazy excitement in the family.

sweetie pie said...

My Just Dance video game!

sweetie pie

Mother of Three, Anne said...

A knitted clock? Oh, I am doubting this!! I think Skittl threw that in just to see if anyone read past the loom. That must be pretty fun to have.

I looked up the cuica present. That is pretty fun. I think I will have to find a link that lets me hear the sound.

Asker, it was a complete and utter surprise. I have mentioned on occassion that I think a cello would be great to have. When Brook Mays was closing, I kept looking at one to buy, but never did. But I have never indicated that a cello was more than a fanciful wish. I think my family wanted me to stop cleaning the dishes and start participating in music time with them and they felt this was the incentive I needed.

At least one guitar is a travel pack guitar for camping and such. Otherwise, I think they are all just plain guitars. That way everyone who wanted one has one to play. Of the three bass guitars, one is an acoustic.

And yes, Asker, music happens in our home everyday. Some days it is just practicing and plinking; some days the amps and the microphone get plugged in and there is a full on band playing.

And yes, finding a place for all the instruments is hard...especially if they are not put back in their spot.

Also, finding space for all the books.

And art.

Jackie said...

This year I received two necklaces. My mom gave me a strand of pearls and Matthew gave me a silver necklace with a pendant. I love them both.

I also love my convertible mittens! Oh, and I tried the bar of shampoo last night. I like it. My hair feels good and my shower smelt delicious.

Jessim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessim said...

I am being doubted? :(

Here is the clock kit. I look ridiculous in a tam, so I'm making it as an actual clock. There are instructions included on what to do to mount it. The clock hands are available at hobby lobby for about five bucks.

On my loom, my first project was just practice, nothing in particular. Now I'm making striped dish towels.

(I deleted the first comment becaue the whole link didn't show. Hopefully it will this time)

Also- should you wish to buy a premade knitted clock anthropologie sells one for like $400 and The Conran Shop for like $600.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Hee hee hee!
Maybe I was being a bit too literal there. I was thinking of the entire clock, gears and all, being knitted!! So I must laugh at myself for that!!

That is fun! Making your own dishtowels on a loom?? That seems like amazing fun!

And Jacklyn...pearl necklaces are THE BEST!!!

Tami Parker said...


That looks like such a fun hat, regardless of whether or not you decide to make it a functional clock.


I have determined your house to be magical. I believe, at this point, you could tell me that you are actually Baba Yaga (minus the child-eating and evil witchy bits) and your house has giant chicken feet and not only would I believe you, I would ask you to visit.

<3 for music every day. And for cellos. And for people awesome enough not only to know people awesome enough to give cellos as Christmas gifts, but also to actually start learning how to play one. <3

kathleen said...

It was wonderful to have family around at Christmas. That is the best!!! We had lots of fun talking/playing games, etc.
Good Times!
I did receive a new sewing machine
and the pajamas/gift cards to movies are tied.

Kristen said...

Sweetie Pie, a dancing game? That sounds really fun. What sort of dances are featured?

Anne, if you can't find a link for the cuica, I'll search around this evening. Your family is the most creative-arts minded family I know. I need to visit more often.

Jackie, I'm glad you like the shampoo! I think I'll try it out tonight.

Jessi, I looked the clock up on anthropologie. It looks like it has been stuffed for a pillow effect/structure. what material will keep it light enough to hang but dense enough keep the knitting from sagging?

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmileyFace said...

Well on Just Dance they have U Can't Touch This, Le Freak, Hot N' Cold, Who Let The Dogs Out and other awesome songs. I got a model car and an awesome Hydrogen powered rocket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Was that too many exclamation points?????????????????????????????

Mother of Three, Anne said...

TamiJean and the Asker,

A magical home! I think of it as one stop before the insane asylum.

Sunday we decided to take the family out for shopping and eating, but because one of the family members kept saying, "Where are we going?" every 15 seconds, we were force into a pit of stubbornness andcould not divulge the information.

And then the seven year old came out and said, "OH! I know where we are going!! To see a THERAPIST!!!""

I give all the credit to Bob. I am, as one of Jacob's friend's decribes me, bound by logic. Art and music were never part of the logic that rules my life. Bob is the one who has given all the depth and imagination to our lives.

The only credit I can take, and thank you TamiJean, is the acknowledgement that I am flexible and open to new ideas, ways and perceptions. Logic and practicality would never have allowed me to buy a cello for myself. I am thankful that my family pushes me to find out more about what I am capable of doing and learning. It is all Bob!

But he still brings mud into my home!!

Jessim said...

I have no idea how the antropologie clock works, but mine will go on a wooden back, with the face of the clock stretched out over it, and then cinched in the back, with a few staples to hold it tight. It won't have a puffy effect, but I imagine that if it did, it would just be like upholstery- stuffed, and then stapled on the back, and the clock hands kind of serve like a button in the middle.

Kristen said...

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, Where do you get the H2 for the rocket? (definately not too many exclamation points)

Anne, you didn't see the therapist after shopping and dinner? Aww, despite the mud Bob is a pretty cool dude.

Kristen said...

Mom, I know you will love having a sewing machine that works. Hooray! And I'm glad you like the pajamas. I thought they were very pretty.

Jessi, I look forward to seeing the finished clock on yoru blog!

Jackie said...

Anne, I know! I'm glad. My mom keeps telling me that they're one piece of jewelry that will "never go out of style". I'll cherish mine.