Monday, December 21, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,

Uh, that's totally what I'm having for breakfast. I'm on vacation! My brother and Jackie came by yesterday afternoon and we played a game of Clue (Jackie won), Settlers of Catan (Matthew won) and then we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I like it when we get visitors and these two were pretty great.

Also, check it out! it's before 9 am and I'm awake! I've still got many Christmas things to do. The Christmas tree and Nativity scene is out, but I'd like to throw some lights in the bushes outside in addition to the assorted errands to do. Tonight is also the neighbordhood Holliday Party. We'll try to go to that and seee if it's awesome fun or stuffy neighborhood association fun.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
If you were given a cupon for a free Snuggie (any size, color or style), what would you do with it?

The Asker
P.S. I'm in a Snuggie now! it's blue and personalized with my name


Tami Parker said...

I think the first thing I'd do is find out what a Snuggie is.

*looks it up*

Ah! It's like...a blanket with hand-holes.

I'd probably buy one but the cat would end up stealing it. He always gets the best couch-blankets

Jeannie said...

I would give it to you, Asker! That way, you would have one in every room! Way to go Aunt Barbara, good gift! Enjoy your time off... I also am still in my pjs, cleaning out drawers.

Jessim said...

Give it to someone else?

I have a blanket that zips around me and functions LIKE a snuggie- but with a back :) So when I stand up an walk around, I don't look like I've got a robe on backwards. (See thanksgiving entry on my blog for picture)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Well, a free coupon is a free coupon. I got free cinnamon rolls with a free coupon this weekend from my best friends in the whole world. (I will still act surprised when they give me my birthday present/party this year, even though I have already figured it out! They "say" they are giving away a $10,000 kitchen makeover sweepstakes, but I know that I am the winner already and they are just saying it is a sweepstakes so other people won't be jealous of me and my awesome present!! I am so excited!!)

I fear that my Snuggie may suffer a fate similar to TamiJean's, although why she has cats I'll never know!! Get a real pet already! Our real pet, a black lab, would surely take possession of the blanket, which will make the sleeves on it useless and silly.


Probably for it's purpose. To keep me warm. What else? But it is the exact same thing as a bathrobe but it costs $7 more. I would rather go to Walmart(which is Anne's least favorite place ever!) and buy a long, thick bathrobe.

Tami Parker said...


My cat is a real pet! He's the less-drool, doesn't-track-mud model. ;)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

@ TamiJean,

By your definition, my husband becomes the real pet and my dog is the less drool, doesn't track mud in the house fake pet!!! (Okay!! If you saw how much mud those big ole boots bring in all the time, you would know that this comment is hilarious!!!)

My bias against cats is not unfounded. They make me sneeze, my eyes itch and water, and generally feel miserable. It is no surprise that I have little appreciation for the darling fuzzballs.

The Minears said...

I would pick one with an outrageous animal print and take it to a Christmas party as my White Elephant gift.

kathleen said...

Awesome! You have your own Snuggie?
I would enjoy my very own Snuggie
and snuggle when I watch TV on cool winter evenings!

Stacia said...

I would buy another one. I have two already (one with my name on it which probably was done the same time yours was) and my other one has been stolen by my husband.