Thursday, December 17, 2009

it must be able to play the Star Spangled Banner

Dear QotD?ers,

The scheduling for the next week is going to be all crazy. I AM ON VACATION! So I'm staying up late and waking up late and hanging out in my pajamas and, apparently, not wriing Qot?D until 10:45am. I'm still going to make sure you have a QotD? every day, though. except maybe Christmas day, but I'll see when we get there.

I really should contemplate my own answers before I read all of yours. I really liked Angela's answer: get rid of all the silent letters. How about if we switch some names around so we can get at least one state starting with each letter of the alphabet
Barmdel from Alaska
East Virginia from regular Virginia. If West Virginia has a modifier, you should too
Jersey from New
Quiggly from Wyoming, just trading one crazy name for another
Xylstone from Arizona
York from New
ZAP from Maryland. A state that looks like a gun should have some power behind it

Today's Question of the Day? is:
I don't think we have one, what should the national instrument of the US be?

The Asker


Mother of Three,Anne said...

Clearly the answer is cowbell. And need I say that the national anthem needs more cowbell??

And thank you, Asker, for seeing the immense humor in PlasticOnoLand. On may levels, it fits New York. And I was sure you would appreciate that.

groovysabrina said...


AggieEngineer2k said...

The Rock Band Guitar.

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles said...

The baphuba(Ba-foo-ba).A bassoon, a saxophone, and a tuba all in 1.

Dr. Fan-music-o said...

Dear The Asker,
I always liked using musical mice for an instrument, as dmonstrated in the monty pyton sketch. However, I beleive that the bassoon would be the best choice, it is adorable and also can be turned into cannon, and is great for eye gouging. Ah, good times, good times.

Dr. Fan-music-o, tryant of the musical world.

The Minears said...

I agree with Anne, our national anthem needs more cowbell. Otherwise, it should be the marimba.

sweetie pie said...

My answer is the piano because it is a pretty sound, and I like it!

Sweetie Pie

kathleen said...

I was thinking DRUMS until I saw that it must be able to play the Star Spangled Banner. Hmmmmm, surely someone could figure that out......

Kristen said...

Anne, cowbell, check

Sabrina, oo, that's a good one. Wikipedia tells me that it originated in America even. WINNER!

Justin, I love you

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, I would love to hear that instrument

Dr. Fandango, did you just use the word adorable? and to describe a bassoon?

Angel-A, I LOVE MARIMBA! 2nd Place!

Sweetie Pie, welcome! I hope you enjoy participating in QotD? Piano is a good choice, lots of versatility and it shows up in almost every music genre popular in America (i don't think techno uses piano)

Mom, I'm sure it's been done, maybe with 32 drums, or lots of quads tuned differently