Monday, December 21, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,

Today was a mildly productive day. There is all but one thing I still want to get, and I may have to go back to warlmart to get it, so I've been procrastinating. This is a TERRIBLE thing to do, because frantic mania increases as Walmart gets closer to Christmas. Maybe tomorrow.

We spent the morning in our pajamas, had leftovers for lunch then did some minor shopping and saw Avatar in 3D. It was pretty amazing. I enjoyed the story and the 3D ACTION. It looked fantastic and you can tell some really creative people were in on it. I may go to bed a little early tonight, just because I can.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

What is the last package you recieved in the mail?
A thing I ordered that I'm going to give to someone, so I can't tell you!

The Asker


Jackie said...

When I got home today, my mom handed me 14 packages. In them were my books for next semester. Not exciting.

Jeannie said...

I got some heat resistant pot holders, up to 675 degrees. I am anxious to try them. They were actually a part of another order than for some reason got shipped seperately. A waste of shipping costs, packing and the box! I guess it keeps people in jobs!

kathleen said...

Can't remember, cause I don't order much.

Go to Walmart early in the morning.
It will be less crowded and workers won't be as grumpy!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I think the last package we got in the mail was Bob's DocMartin boots.

He clearly needed a new pair of boots to track mud into the house with. He is taking Jacob to work with him today, so that will be TOW pairs of big boots tromping mud through the house!! That does make me think that I should have a hearty meal ready for them when they get home, so I better go get something out of the freezer now!

Tami Parker said...

I got two packages yesterday!

One was full of chocolate chip cookies and a Christmas card from an online friend (we did a cookie exchange).

The other was an author-signed copy of Betrayals by Lili St. Crow that I won via a writing contest on the Deadline Dames website! <3

Jessim said...

Well it didn't actually come in the mail because our carrier SUCKS. It didn't require a signature, so they could have just left it on our porch, but the person is too lazy to get out of the jeep. And she didn't even leave a notification slip, so I don't think she even tried to deliver it. "My trucks full, I'll just leave this here."

But last night we picked up a package of yarn, knitting needles, knitting goodies, and a pattern book from the postal annex. (Where it had sat for TEN days. If we hadn't called my MIL and then checked online for her it would have been sent back to the company as abandoned in just a few more days.)

I'm very excited about the goodies. Very mad about the post office.

Oh- and Kevin got cartridges for his electric razor, so that's actually the last package to come in the mail, but it wasn't for me.

The Minears said...

My friend Kim is visiting her family in Florida and is sending back all of the stuff she's bought over the last three months. She has been sending it to me and then I drop it off when I check in on her house. She will be returning the favor when I go home in a couple of months.

I also received an envelope from Amazon that contained some new workout DVDs in preparation for my New Year's resolution to get into shape.

Kristen said...

Jackie, almost exciting, but then not. Aww.

2nd Mom, That sounds rediculous on the part of the shippers. I'll be looking for the pot holders when I come over tomorrow.

1st Mom, I'll do it. I'll go first thing in the morning.

Anne, man! i bet those boots are HUUUGE. How'd the day go for them?

TamiJean, oo, good packages both!

Jessi, that is aweful! Can you formally complain to the USPS in a meaningful way?

Angel-A, That's good that you two can trade such a responsibility.