Tuesday, December 8, 2009

odd couple

Dear QotD?rs,

justin missed the trashcan in our bedroom and the one in the laundry room. that brings our total to 8. At today's wedding shower luncheon, we had pasta salad, cheese n' crackers and other hors'd'vours. And i still cant't find a fake christmas tree that doesn't look naked. I'm going to have to convince Justin that we need a live, 6'-7' Douglass Fir for $35. I think Friday i'll have time to decorate the house for Chrsitmas.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

What are one very practical and one decidedly fun gift idea for you and someone you love?

The Asker
p.S. if you think this is an attempt to get christmas gift ideas for family members, you are partially correct.


kathleen said...

A hand-held portable mixer is very practical gift. So would socks.

Painting lessons/class would be fun.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Years ago, it appalled us how overwhelming greedy and materialistic Christmas had become. We were lucky that Santa agreed with us, as he has only ever left just one gift under the tree for each person.

Several years ago, we decided as a family that we would further make our statement about the holiday season by only ever giving homemade gifts.

I submit the following:
Practical: knitted socks
Fun: drums

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles said...


AggieEngineer2k said...

Practical: A rice cooker.
Fun: A scale model X-Wing model rocket kit.

Tami Parker said...

For the practical, I'm a fan of socks. You can even mix the two by going to sockdreams.com and getting FUN socks.

For the fun, I like possets perfumes, because the scents are just so incredible and bizarre. possets.com

For a non-item gift, I like Kathleen's lessons idea - give a skill, rather than a thing. =]

Anonymous said...

Fun idea: tickets to a performance
Practical: (for dad) anything to go with his new deer rifle, (mine) new Christmas hand towels to go in the bathrooms.

Jeannie said...

Oooops! I sent it out too quick! I am anonymous!

groovysabrina said...

practical: tortilla press.
fun: Mexican food night. :D

Kristen said...

Mom, thank you. I will file this information away for the future.

Anne, you would want MORE DRUMS?

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, delightful answer on both accounts.

Justin, at least I know what one of those is.

TamiJean, those socks are beautiful. Are you still sampling all the possets or have you settled on your favorites?

2nd Mom, I will also file this information away.

Sabrina, mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Jessim said...

Practical: Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer
Fun: Schact Cricket Loom

Tami Parker said...

Asker, she keeps coming up with new blends for seasons, so I keep having new ones to try.

I just put an order in for two of her Yule seasonals (one called Agoraphilia which supposedly smells like cherry macaroons and one for Sophie, one of the charity shelter cat scents, which is vanilla, rosemary, and apple). =]

Kristen said...

Jessi, I really hope you get that loom.

TamiJean, my brain processed 'cat' before it processed 'charity shelter' and immediately I thought it was a bad scent idea. I still don't know about the smell, rosemary tastes like dirt to me.