Thursday, November 12, 2009

the lovers, the dreamers and me

Dear QotD?ers,

We had a full evening last night so QotD? was delayed until this morning. It was my brother-in-law's birthday and family met up in downtown Houston for dinner at Maggiano's. I had 11 different kinds of food and am STILL feeling full. It was a lot of fun, except for the live entertainment. At first I thought it was kareoke night, since surely no one would get paid to sing that bad. But I was mistaken. It was that bad. It so awful I didn't even enjoy making fun of it.

Yesterday was Veteran's Day. Thank you to all the Vetrans and those currently serving! There are no active QotD?ers with military experience (the legal, United States kind, Dr. Fandango) but there are relatives. So the husbands of Jeannie, Jessi and Angel-A and the son-in-law of Aunt Barbara: Thank you! Is there anyone else close to a QotD?er that we can recognize?

There is war a'brewin in the comments section. To keep things from getting out of hand I've brought in Quiggly Orin The Duck and the Army of Helmeted Ducks to keep everyone safe.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?

The Asker


the older one.....Mike said...

because they are AWESOME!!! The rainbow connection with Kermit is the best of all time. I will say that my current favorite is Roy G. Biv by They Might Be Giants.

Mother of Three, NOT TREES, you blockhead! said...

I am currently listening to Kermit singing the Rainbow Connection!! I also have a Willie Nelson version of it, which is double the fun for me!

I just don't know how to answer today's question. Mostly because I seem to be unaware of many songs about rainbows. I hate being uninformed!!

Sorry about your unpleasant musical experience. And that it is not even worthy of making fun of is truly sad!

Mr. Ken is a veteran!! The story, as I have heard it many times, is that by the time he was 17, he was saving the world from the communist threat and eradicating polio. He likes to point out that all I had accomplished by the time I was 17 was to start college. I can't believe you have been spared those stories!!

Jessim said...

Aww thanks for the husband shout out. I'll be sure to tell him.

There are so many songs about rainbows because rainbows have so many colors. But really I can't think of more than 2 of them.

Tami Parker said...

Rainbows make even adults still feel like there's magic in the world. <3

(well, not all adults, but some.)

groovysabrina said...

Yes, I am with TamiJean, could not have written it better.

I have to agree with Mike. I still get all teary eyed when I sing along with Kermit, ah, just as I did as a sentimental 8 yr old. Good times, good times. Someday we'll find it. The Rainbow Connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

It has come to my attention that your question may be related to Jason Mraz. I will have to research this when I get home. He is perhaps the only one I might trust in covering Kermit.

Jackie said...

Rainbows are visions. And only illusions. And rainbows have nothing to hide.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I believe rainbows hide pots of gold!!

And only an illusion??

And is groovysabrina implying that Willie Nelson is not good enough to cover Kermit???

This is the most upsetting QoTD posts ever!!

Gasp! Gasp! Aaarg! Gasp!

DrFandango said...

Dear The Asker,
I think there are so many rainbow songs because there is too much good in the world. Bleh.

Dr. Fandango, Destroyer of Ducks.

P.S. 1) Teeheeheehee is the least evil laugh i've ever heard.
2) My illegal military experience will get me through any comment war! Bring It! 3) I've found that if you weigh as much as a duck you may be a witch. 4) I forgot what I was going to put here but it was going to be threatening!!! 5) Brownie points?

Mother of Three, Anne said...


When Jessica and I walked into Brookshires today, we were greeted by the choir singing Christmas songs! They even sang "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch!" There were prizes being given away and free food samples all over the store INCLUDING COFFEE!!! Santa was there and Jessica had her picture taken. She is pretty sure it was the real Santa!!

They are doing a trail run for my birthday! It was great! I am excited!!

Kristen said...

Mike! he answers! I had not heard that song until I just looked it up. very dancy

Was it coincidence or did you purposefully put it on so you could answer? Either way, fantastic. I did not know Mr. Ken was a veteran. Maybe he told all those stories to Crystal.

Jessi, what's the second rainbow song you know?

TamiJean, excellent answer!

Sabrina, my question was not purposefully related to Jason Mraz, but now I must research as well!

Jackie, did you guys sing the song in music class too?

Oh Anne, don't be upset. rainbows are happytimes for everyone.

Dr. Fandango, poor guy. I knew this question wouldn't suit you. 1)Teeheeheehee is a pretty adorable giggle. And that seques into the first mention of you in QotD? history, long ago. Back when I collected sound bites. lemme see if I can scrounge something up. 2)you will always lose at comment war, for I hold the POWER OF ULTIMATE DELETION! 3) also, small rocks. 4) GASP! 5) not just brownie points, magic cosmic brownie points.

Jessim said...

Well clearly rainbow connection. (Though I actually didn't know of that one until college. Though maybe I heard it as a kid) The other is Somewhere Over the Rainbow.