You've read the title and either you are excited or disgusted. Please put those emotions on hold while we get through some other business.
Look at this pretty lady and the shinyness you can almost see on her right ring finger:
The bump that I heard was something falling in the closet. I wasn't sure what it was, because when I checked, I didn't see anything down. I assume it was so embarassed it jumped back on its shelf.
OK, now on to Twilight. I have a love/hate relationship with Twilight that you will learn about over the course of the week. There are 4 books, and the 2nd movie is being released this weekend. It's about a girl that moves to Washington and falls in love with a vampire. there is DRAMA. We are not here to argue about the merit of the plot or storytelling. Keep in mind that I'll be asking 5 questions, so you may get ahead of yourself with your lengthy answers that's ok
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Have you read or seen any of the Twilight Saga books or movies?
The Asker
No. I do not have the urge to read the books or watch the movies, plus there are so many other authors that I already read that I can't really fit a new one in.
Yes, I have read all 4 books and I have seen the first movie. Believe it or not, but I have tickets to see the Thursday midnight showing of the 2nd movie. Should be great fun as 5 other teachers are going. Friday is an easy lesson day!
BTW, you look awesome Jackie!
I have niether read the books nor watched the first movie. I am not a big fan of love stories, although everyone says there is much more to the story than a sappy romance novel. But if someone handed me the book, I would read it. Even if I hated the story, the writing, the characters, I would read that dumb book to the bitter end. So I try to only pick up books I am pretty sure will be fully satisfying. Not so sure the Twilight series fits that bill.
Congratulations Jackie and Matthew! I am quite aware that a picture of Matthew was not included, but I will cross that picket line and offer a sincere WHOOP to both!!
(I left A&M one hour short of getting my senior ring. ONE HOUR!!!)
Wow, great picture!
I have read the first book, but none of the others and I haven't watched the movie.
I am going to hold off on anything resembling a review, just in case that's a later question this week, but I will say to Anne that for the FIRST book, at least, I would definitely not describe it as "satisfying".
I don't know if reading the entirety of the series would change that opinion or not.
No, I haven't.
Is that the new ring statue? I thought they built some like 8 foot tall thing...
Angela, What are some good authors you are reading now?
Mom, you and your teacher friends are crazy, but I love you.
Anne, everyone is wrong, it's mostly a sappy romance novel with DRAMA.
Only one hour?! You should take one class and then get your ring. They are intimidating and shiny.
TamiJean, reading the whole thing? probably not
Jessi, no, there's a much huger ring statue around the corner. I've got a picture of it in my facebook November album.
nope. In fact I thought the subject "Twilight" either had to do with the Twilight Zone (sweet) or just twilight, i.e. that lovely time of evening. yes, I am that behind the times.
congrats, Jackie!
Thanks everyone!! It's exciting! And, Anne, I agree with Kristen. You should take one more hour to get your ring! Actually, they moved down the ring requirements from 95 hours to 90, so you may already qualify. =)
Yes. I have read all four of the books, saw the first movie and midnight, and have tickets to see the second at midnight as well.
Sabrina, Twilight is only the most popular books for teenage girls ever. Twilight Zone is good. creepy, but good.
Jackie, good call! Anne should get her ring! Is Morgan still going with you?
I know. I know. I like to make this analogy...
I was standing at the gates with St. Peter and he was just opening the door when I said, "No, wait. What's that place over there?"
Because in the eyes of any even sub-standard Aggie, let alone the good ones, that is what I did!! And yes, I went to the other university, so it is JUST like my analogy!!
I stand by my reasoning for this and do not regret my decision. I do regret that I did not get my degree from A&M, as I would have rather stayed there.
Groovy Sabrina,
Hey, were you guys stuck in that black-out? I am not sure which parts of Brazil got hit and where you guys are, and so I wonder.
@Asker: Indeed. I am sure I will be learning a lot this week. BTW, I thought The Babysitter's Club was the most popular book for teen girls ever? ;) (I never read those either)
@Anne: No, we were not caught in it! We are further north. I heard about it later. Behind the times, as usual.
Dear The Asker,
I have many freinds that are vampires, and they all despise the Twilight series. What ever happened to the good old cape and turning into bats?
Dr. Fandango, Destroyer of the animal kind
P.S. I don't think super heros could ever have a delete button, they are too busy hitting things with their fists. Have you ever noticed that all the super heros are physicaly aggressive while us villians are much more subtle in our approch to hatred. We build huge contraptions to defeat our foes and all they do is come up and punch us in the face. Pow!!! Right in the kisser!! They are the agressive and mean ones. That's why we are so misunderstood.
No, I have not read any of the books and I do not want to read them. Yet I am not surprised that DrFandango has vampire friends or that he despises animal kind.
Happy love, Mr.SuperHappySunshineSmiles:):):):)
P.S Notice that I use punctuation unlike the not so evil DrFandango.
I teach middle school yes, I have seen the first movie and been told the story lines of the books. Consequently, I have not read the books. I will probably go see the new movie sometime soon (and drag Dennis).
Sabrina, Babysitters Club WAS the most popular for teen girls ever, but that is so 1990s
Dr. Fandango, I guess capes aren't in fashion as of late. P.S. Some superheros, like MacGuyver, didn't solve problems with his fists!
Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, I am also not surprised at Dr.Fandango's insistance that he has vampire friends. He likes to run in pretty 'elite' circles
Mom-in-law, dragging husbands along is a great way to see girly teenage movies! I highly recomend it.
I don't think teen girls read BSC. That was more like 7-11 year olds.
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