Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Twilight: 2/5

Dear QotD?ers,

You know those days when everything is supposed to be fine, and then 4 crisises pop-up and the solutions to each individual crisis causes complications to the other crisises? That happened to me today. But I have had dinner, showered, shaved, washed and dried my hair. And by the time I get into bed, Justin will have turned the electric blanket on so it will be warm and cozy.

I have read all 4 of the Twilight books. In addition, I've read the part of the 'draft' of the companion novel that was leaked onto the internet. (the first book, from the vampire's perspective). I have seen the movie, and drug Justin to the theater with me. I will be doing it again this week! The first movie is playing Thursday night at 9 (for just $5!) and then we'll see New Moon on Friday afterwork. This is how prepared I am:

I will be eating popcorn and rolling my eyes at the DRAMA the entire time.
Yesterday I mentioned that the Twilight story involved a girl falling in love with a vampire. I'm going to spoil something for you: the girls best friend turns out to be a werewolf. I beleive that will be the only spoiler I spoil for those of you who are concerned with that. Other Twilight fans, try to keep spoiling to a minimum, you know, just in case they all want to read the books because it's the most popular for teen girls ever.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
or, more generally
Vampires or Werewolves?
This is the part of the post where I make member announcements. Sabrina's birthday was Sunday and I missed it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SABRINA!
Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles* is joining us as Dr. Fandango's nemesis. I believe we shall enjoy his optimism.
The Asker
* Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles may be Anne's 2/3 (just as Dr. Fandango is 1/3). While wise for his age, this pre-teen will be the youngest active QotD?er. Make sure to keep it clean and friendly or I will threaten you with the DELETE button


The Minears said...

No opinion on the characters, but I'm for vampires over werewolves. In real life, I think Taylor is cuter than Rob.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

At one point in our lives, Nick convinced Jessica that he was a vampire, as was their father. In a stroke of luck, when Jessica chose to ask her father if he was a vampire, he was awfully busy and gave the very fatherly answer of, "Of course!! Now let me work."

Jacob didn't want to miss out on this fun, so he tried to convince Jessica that he was a werewolve.

And then one day Jessica went out into the garage and was attacked by the werewolve!!! (She came back in the house with a three inch cut on her leg that she had no clue as to the cause of, so it must have been a werewolve attack!)

Therefore, in real life, I too vote for vampires!! There have been no vampire injuries in my home.

Happy Birthday, Groovy Sabrina!!!

kathleen said...

Team Edward. Not from the actors that play the characters in the movie, but from the characters in the book. If that makes sense.....

I hope I survive on Friday!

Does "Dark Shadows" mean anything to anyone??? :)

Tami Parker said...

I'm going to vote werewolves, just to be persnickety!

groovysabrina said...

thanks for the well-wishes!

Knowing nothing about Twilight's interpretation of vampires and werewolves, I vote for vampires because they seem more alluring.

AggieEngineer2k in the NIIIGHT!!1 said...

I choose vampires. But the Death Dealer kind, not the sparkley emo-kid kind.

Not sure about feeding time though, since I'm aichmophobic.

Jessim said...

You drugged Justin? That seems wrong. :)

Um- I'm not really a fan of either vampires or werewolves.

Kristen said...

Angel-A, I agree with you on the actors. I will expand on that more later in the week.

Anne, I love your family. Have either you or Jessica claimed supernatural identities?

Mom, ~ACHOO~ bless me! there must be allergins in the air. Your answer makes perfect sense. Dark Shadows... I bet you're asking about something in particular, but I have no idea.

TamiJean, are werewolves more persnickety than vampires?

Sabrina, you are right. they both have powers, but werewolf powers are more raw and off-putting.

Justin, I had to look up aichmophobic. That's a fantastic word.

Jessi, ok, you got me, it's pretty impossible for me to drug or drag Justin. He has more muscles than me and is good at resisting.

Jackie said...

I actually like Jacob a lot. He offers a much healthier relationship and I would like to say that he'd be the better choice. However, Edward is just Edward and I was rooting for him in the books. It's that thirteen year old girl inside of me I guess...

And you're going to see Twilight in theaters?? That's exciting! My roommate and I will be watching it at our house Thursday during dinner before we leave to go to the midnight showing. We have to watch it because she STILL hasn't seen the movie/read the book/and believes Jacob is also a vampire...

Mother of Three, Anne said...

First of all...AICHMOPHOBIA!! That was not an easy word to find, but I now get the point!!

Yes, Jessica has the power of invisibility!! It is an amazing power! However, few people have seen her use this beyond her father and brothers, although she has informed her friends and classmates that she has the power!!

I have amazing super powers!! I can grocery shop!! And make coffee in the mornings! I'd like to see anyone else in my family do THAT!!

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles said...

Dear the Asker,

I do not recommond that I choose one since they are Demons of the Darke but I would choose werewolves because they are only dangerous during a full moon.A survey of about 7 people 6 chose Edward and 1 chose Jasper. Most said Edward was the "good guy" but he is still a Demon of the Darke.

Happy and jollyful love,
Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles,Helper of animals and destroyer of the Darke!

kathleen said...

I can't wait to read the book from Edward's perspective.

Jackie said...

Kathleen, you should definitely read Midnight Sun sometime! The first half of the book are online but I'm not sure it will ever be finished.

kathleen said...

Just 'google' Dark Shadows......
It was a TV series that premiered
in 1966. It was about vampires
and werewolves.

Kinda 'campy'....now.....

Kristen said...

Jackie, I believe I was super Team Edward until book two, when Jacob became a real option. You are right, it's a much healthier relationship based on genuine feelings and caring, instead of mystical attraction (for the most part). Good luck to Morgan! I hope she doesn't get Twilight-ed out!

Anne, Jessica's power is pretty legitimate. I'd say even better than her brothers. BTW, when is your birthday?

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, your logic is sound. It cracks me up that you bring up Jasper. He has one of my favorite Twilight back-stories.