Thursday, November 5, 2009

Snackity Snackity

Dear QotD?ers,

I don't know if it's possible, but I think my feet have lost weight. I wore two different pairs of shoes today that felt a little big. It is possible that I'm just not used to wearing my steel-toes without two pairs of thick athletic socks.

I think The Price is Right is better than motorcycles because of the Showcase Showdown. and I would rather have A New Car!!! or motor home or dining room set than a motorcycle.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's your favorite snack when watching a movie at home?

The Asker


kathleen said...

I would have to say.........popcorn followed by chocolate covered raisens.

verification word: lotilde

Mother of Three, Anne said...

First, the Price Is Right is clearly more dangerous than motorcycles. You got the people running down the aisle, jumping hysterically on stage, screaming out numbers, and spinning this big wheel with long spikes on it.

Snacks in the living room are verboten. You better stop that movie and go into the kitchen and have a snack!! I mean it!!

Jeannie said...

Yes, it is chocolate covered raisens for me too!

DrFandango said...

Dear The Asker,
With my busy schedule of plotting doomsday devices and the end of the world I rarely have time to sit down and watch a movie, but when I do I love to eat eye of newt, and wash it down with a nice cool glass of baby seal tears. Also, the budget for evil in this days economy is very low. So unfortunatly the inanimate animators are made out of tinkertoys and duct tape.

Dr. Fandango, overlord of the kingdom animalia

Jessim said...

Popcorn with hot tamales!

Kristen said...

Mom, oo, chocolate covered raisins. I should learn how to make those at home.

Anne, What a party pooper! can I at least drink some water in the living room?

Dr. Fandango, where do you aquire your refreshments?

Jessi, in the same mouthful?

Mother of Three, and a Party Pooper said...

I cannot have one set of rules for Kristen and another set of rules for everyone else!!

But clearly, as is evidenced on a routine basis, my home operates under a different set of rules when I am asleep. Jacob is upfront on this and says that I am infringing on JacobTime and JacobRules if I stay up past my usual bedtime. There must also be BobRules and NickRules that go into effect. Should you be watching a movie with them past 8pm on any given evening, I think that you will find refreshments are offered and encouraged in the front room.

So, I guess I must accept your proclamation that I am a party pooper. Clearly, the fun starts without me.

Nick, Jake, Bob and I went to see the Red Elvises on Friday night and I stayed up WAY past my bedtime. But still was an obvious party pooper. Jacob said that if I wore a kilt and a tam, as one of the audience members did, that I would then be enthusiastic.

Jessim said...

Yes- in the same mouthful. Especially good if you dump the hot tamales in while the popcorn is still warm, so they are a little melty. Even better at the theatre when it is all buttery.

Kristen said...

Jessi, that still doesn't appeal to me, but I'm glad it delights you!