Monday, November 23, 2009

Twilight: 5/5

Dear QotD?ers,

At the theatre on Thursday night for the showing of Twilight, I counted 3 males, including Justin. At the theater on Friday afternoon for the 5:30 showing of New Moon, there were many more males: husbands, dads, boyfriends, even brothers (poor guys). I spent the first movie rolling my eyes and giggling a lot at the absurd plot (mostly how it was acted, poorly IMO). The second movie was much better and it was delightful to hear the full theater reacting to certain scenes. For those who have seen it: staunching blood with a freshly removed t-shirt. the gasps and cat-calls! hilarious! also: the very last scene.

We will be spending this week getting ready for Thanksgiving, which we are hosting this year.

One of the most dramatic situations of my high school years was the sophomore band trip to Orlando. There was a lot of drama around all the different friend groups that joined and split as we walked around Disney or Universal Studios. crushes were revealed and spurned, ex-boyfriends were in the mix. I was riding rollercoasters (turned out ok!). I rode the Tower of Terror, a falling elevator ride (turned out horrible!)

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is worse than sparkling vampires?

Comcast. Particularly, Comcast internet service and customer service. That's why this is coming to you this morning instead of last night. I DID'T HAVE THE INTERNET last night! Comcast did not appologize or even try to fix it, though they did try to bribe Justin with more cable channels. It's Craptastic! (this is one of my links that you should really, really click on) I don't know why we continue to torture ourselves. We should switch to AT&T.

The Asker


AggieEngineer2k (Go Team Jacob!) said...

Depressed, exhibitionist sparkling vampires with their shirts off.


Jessim said...

Wait- so you rolled your eyes through the first showing of the movie, and then went to see it again? Why would you do that?

Worse than a sparkling vampire... an invisible one. At least the sparkling one you have warning of.

Kristen said...

Justin, you crack me up.

Jessi, Thursday we saw the original one, Friday we saw the sequel. I rolled my eyes during that one too. when I was little, I would always check around the half-wall in the bathroom to see if there were vampires hiding where the mirror wouldn't show. I also checked behind the shower curtain for reflective-able monsters that were just hiding.

groovysabrina said...

What is so bad about a sparkling vampire? He's on screen, getting cat-calls, you're safe at home eating popcorn. Sounds good to me!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I do not have an adequate knowledge base to understand what is bad about a sparkling vampire, but by conjecture, I am guessing this means super-cheesy scary guy that makes you laugh more than feel frightened. If that is the case, then my question really becomes "what is cheesier than glitterific fangboy?"

And that is easy to answer!!

Cheerleaders, beauty queens and brides that take themselves very seriously!

Any of the people who star on reality shows.

All those boys who wear skinny jeans! Please!! Stop that already! It is creepy!!

And Bono!

Sorry. I said it! Bono is cheesy! And he seriously needs to find a new fashion statement with his eyewear! There. I said that, too!!

Tami Parker said...

Okay, so I hope this isn't a cop-out, but it's HILARIOUS and fits the theme.

What's worse than sparkly vampires?

The Franks

^ That's a link to a video on for a Saturday Night Live spoof of the Twilight Saga. You definitely don't need to have watched the movies to appreciate it.

Jessim said...

Oh I see. It was two different movies. That makes sense.

Still, I think you should have learned from your mistake. I stopped seeing Harry Potter in theatres after the 2nd, and stopped buying them at all after the 5th.

Kristen said...

Sabrina, it wasn't the sparkley vampire getting catcalls. The shirtless vampire was... not worthy of catcalls at all, depsite the sparkleyness.

Anne, Bono is indeed cheesy. He should stop wearing sunglasses, it looks rediculous.

TamiJean, Oh the Franks are WAY better than sparkley vampires. I loved that skit and pledged that I would see a full lengthed movie.

Jessi, even though I'm not a hard-core 'Twi-fan,' I still enjoy the movies. It's like America's Next Top Model, it's not an excellent addittion to the art of the medium, but it's fun!

word verification: pretro ~ something current that you suspect will be retro in the future

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles said...

Vampires in Tu-Tus! I have nightmares of them jumping around me dancing and chasséing... or whatever they do! I've seen them and the fat lady ever since I saw that oprah,I mean opera.


Jackie said...

Sparkling vampires frolicking in the forest.
I actually liked New Moon, but that scene made me giggle.

The very last scene? As in: "Gasp!"? And there were TONS of girls screeching when Jake took his shirt off. I, however, think Rob is definitely swoon-worthy even if he doesn't have a tanned eight pack.

November 23, 2009 7:34 PM

Kristen said...

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmiles, yes, vampires in tu-tus are definately worse.

Jackie, the frolicking! yes! I cracked up! I think Justin had to shush me.