Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving: 3/3

Dear QotD?ers,

We had a good thanksgiving holiday. we got to see some of my family and some of Justin's family. We ate tastey food and played Beatles Rock Band. The only bad parts are that Justin did kick his head cold (he's going to stay home tomorrow) and I have 5 consecutive days of work ahead of me. That's going to be rough after a 2-day week and 5-day weekend.

I am thankful for all the blessings I've been given. I had a wonderful husband and this year we bought our first house. My chronic headaches have been getting better. I have a lot of wonderful family and friends, and though I don't get to see them all often, The Internet has helped me keep in touch with all of you. That is the true purpose of QotD? and I'm thankful that all of you take the time to participate. ~hugs~
I will also take this opportunity to say how thankful I am that about 16 years ago my dad finally caved in and I got a kitten. Toottles was a wonderful part of my life. As an old cat, her health was slowly declining this past year, but recently moreso. My kitten was put to sleep last week and I'm thankful that my parents loved and cared for her when I couldn't.

O.K. now on to happier things.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

What food did you eat most of this past week?

I ate ALOT of peanut M&Ms. they were goood.

The Asker


The Minears said...

I ate a lot of potatoes. We had parsley potatoes with our brisket, french fries (both regular and sweet potato) with our chicken, and mashed potatoes with our turkey. I then proceeded to eat just mashed potatoes for a couple of meals, I love potatoes!

kathleen said...

Probably turkey and dressing. I love both...with gravy! Yum. Lots of yummy food at Kristen and Justin's house. They were an excellent host/hostess.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were out of town
and I did not respond to Question of the Day last week, but thought of you all.

We have so much for which to be thankful! Family and friends, our faith,our jobs, etc. pets included! They give unconditional love and make us smile. I do miss Toottles!

groovysabrina said...


Jeannie said...

Breads and cakes....yummmmcarbs!

Tami Parker said...

Roasted vegetables! We're still eating up all the veggies from our winter share, so I have had mounds of roasted carrots/potatoes/sweet potatoes/onion/squash.

Though I'm still not a fan of the squash. He got in only because sweet potatoes vouched for him, but sweet potatoes don't realize I'm on to their little game, and they're not exactly on my "favorite vegetable" list besideswhich.

They'd better checkity check themselves before they wreck themselves.

Jessim said...

Ice cream or stove top stuffing.

Mostly we just ate, a lot. Our Thanksgiving started with going out for Sushi on Wednesday, a big meal (obviously) on Thursday, and out for dinner again on Friday. Saturday we had leftovers from Thursday, and Sunday we tried to have leftovers from Friday, but the onion rings caught on fire in the oven, and the fire extinguisher dust ruined the sandwiches. I was very sad. (But everything in the house but the toaster -too hard to clean- and the baking sheet -burnt to a crisp- was okay)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Not so many leftovers for us. Although I wish there had been some left over lamb. That was deeelicious and cooked to perfection.

But I have moved on from Thanksgiving. I am now in Christmas mode and birthday party planning. My mom will turn 70 in March and my aunt and I are planning a party for her.

I am so sorry about Toottles. And big hugs for Martin and Kathleen. I know how hard it is to take a family pet in to be put to sleep. I hope you both got an extra slice of pie for that effort.

Jackie said...


Kristen said...

Angel-A, I am a fan of potatoes.

Mom, Thank you, we did our best and was pleased at how well it turned out. Thanks for bringing the pies!

Sabrina, ha! sammiches!

Other Mom, we had some delicious rolls at thanksgiving. mmmm

TamiJean, at least you are giving squash a try, though I don't know how sweet potatoes aren't on your favorite vegetable list.


Anne, I'm stll impressed with Mr. Ken.

Jackie, I ate mostly cookies on Sunday. It was awesome.