Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i'm trying something new

Dear QotD?ers,

My dream the other night was on the Texas A&M campus. I came back for a visit and got completely lost, because they had replaced the golf course with a lake-sized retenion pond.
i don't wear socks to bed. If I do, they will mysteriously transport themselves somewhere else in the bedroom by morning. Seriously, I have no idea how they moved off of my feet, out of the covers and across the length of the bed. I don't think I was throwing socks at Justin while I slept... If I'm desperate for foot warmth, I'll use Justin. If Justin is desperate to stop my cold feed, he'll put on the electric blanket for me.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Fill in the blank, then answer the question - Why is The Price is Right [blank] than motorcycles?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

more dangerous

Not really related to your dreaming and sock issues, but a bit...

Back when I was young and beautiful at A&M, I had been out with friends one summer night. It was hot and muggy, so by the time we got home, I put on a very light gown and went to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I was burning up. I had a had time getting up and I was beginning to wonder if I was ill. As I stood up, I realized that I was puffy.

Somehow I had put on a additional eight pajamas in the night. Gowns, pants, shirts and even a robe!!! My roommate did not remember hearing or seeing me up that night at all.

The only logical explanation I have ever had for that night was alien abduction. I would tease my roommate and say it was clear what they did with me, but SHE should be worried!!

Wandering socks! pppsht! Clearly the aliens are not interested in abducting you and are just entertaining themselves with your socks.

groovysabrina said...

--always giving away more cars--

I guess because cars carry more of the stuff you win?

Tami Parker said...

more popular than

Related to socks AND Anne...

...when I was very young, I woke up one night standing by my bedroom door. My nightgown was laid neatly under the covers (which were neatly made - strange as I still TO THIS DAY do not make the bed except when sheets are fresh) and I was naked.

I'm with Anne about the alien abduction thing. ;)

Jessim said...

better than

because motorcycles are loud and annoying and ruin spring. The price is right is fun and addictive and a good way to get through a sick day

DrFandango said...

Dear The Asker,
There is an infinate number of answers for that question, such as: Why is it more Chuck Norris than motorcycles? Why is it more explosive than motor cycles? Why is it Bill Gates than motorcycles?, or Why is it less flaming monkey than motorcycles? But the real question is... Why is The Price is Right less radioactive than motorcycles? I mean c'mon motorcycles are fun and all but wouldn't you rather see Bob Barker suddenly grow 50ft. tall, as all of the contestents go insane and receive laser vision, while deformed lawn gnomes tear through the audience throwing around 20 year olds from different colleges. I think we could all appreciate that.

Dr. Fandango, dictator of animal kind.

P.S. Bwhahaha the inanimate animators that I put in your socks seem to be working. Oh wait, did I type that out loud?

Kristen said...

Anne, Why is Price is Right more dangerous than motorcycles?

Sabrina, I do love how they give away a lot of cars. One day I want to give someone "A new CAR!"

TamiJean, Why is Price is Right more popular than motorcycles?

Jessi, you are right. I also like to watch Ellen when I am home sick for the day.

Dr. Fandango, I appreciate your well thought out answers. P.S. inanimate animators!? How close are those to nanobots?

Tami Parker said...

....because more people like the Price is Right than like Motorcycles?

I feel incredibly boring on this answer