Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Dear QotD?ers,
I went shopping at Kohl's on Saturday. I got a pair of dark wash Levi's (don't remember the 50#), boot cut. Also, I got a pair of mid-rise, dark wash flares! I love me some flare/bell-bottomed jeans.
I hope you all had a great day today. I ended up fighting Microsoft Office 2007 and an "advanced" printer (/copier/scanner/fax machine). That's a crazy thing to have to fight. Sometimes I feel sorry for my office neighbors, because they hear me exclaim "No!" "What were you thinking, Printer?" "ouch! papercut!" and "Seriously?" for example.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you like to dance? (Please expand upon you answer)
The Asker


Jessim said...

Yes. Dance was my activity of choice throughout school- mostly through drill team and recreational studios. I was never fantastic, but I was pretty good. I'd be cut immediatly on SYTYCD but they'd tell me to "keep dancing and enjoy my passion" and not think I was a total joke.

I didn't take up ballet until after college, and I got to pointe work, but my ankles were not cut out for it, and after a few years and many sprains I stopped. Ballet isn't really that fun without pointe, so I moved onto skating.

Auntie Barb said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! My fondest memory is dancing all I wanted to at your wedding! It was the most fun I had had in a very long time and Danny danced as much as I wanted to. I do believe my love tank was very full that night! And I got to see my nephew get married and had fun with lots of lovely people!

kathleen said...

Yes, I love to dance.
While Martin and I were dating, we would go dancing. That was our date. I still love dancing but do not get to go as much. The most we dance now are at weddings.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Fun songs to dance to with kids...

Almost anything by Wierd Al, but for extra fun have three very white, WASPy kids dance to "Pretty Fly for a Rabbi" and listen to the scream out "Oy vey Oy vey!!"

The Beatles "All Together Now" because they run like idiots at the end trying to keep up the tempo.

Anything by Buckwheat Zydeco, Gershwin, or Frank Yankovich (Polka master and not related to Wierd Al, even though they made an album together.)

Formal dance just doesn't happen in my life, but seeing as I can barely walk beside Bob and keep up, there should be no wonder.

I think there are some unwritten laws about parenting that now prevent me from dancing anywhere but in the closet when the whole town has been evacuated. The closest I can get now is when I put on the iPod and call it "exercise." But this is still beyond comprehension and the tolerance of my older kids.

groovysabrina said...

Yes, I do! I seem to be better at dancing by myself though, as I have a hard time synchronizing my erratic movements with a partner! I took flamenco for a while in DC and loved it. Also took samba but I do not have the inherent genetic abilities I was hoping for.

Tami Parker said...

I would like to learn how to dance. Like...ballroom salsa dancing.

I like to twitch and bob with music while I'm in the kitchen, but only the most polite viewer would ever call that "dancing".


Moana Shake said...

I like to dance to make people laugh. My dancing skills really suck. Though I loved taking Ballroom in college. I would love to take that class again with a real partner but for now I will stick with the white boy dance.

Cuñao said...

I like to trip the light fantastic!