Monday, June 15, 2009

muncha muncha

Dear QotD?ers,
This weekend I learned that my cousin's husband will occasionally read QotD? but never respond. Bryce! I am calling you out! Reply by e-mail or website and join the fun!
I rarely get motion sickness. There was that time on the tilt-a-whirl that Justin mentioned. There was also a time on curvy dirt roads on the way to Mike's band camp that I got completely sick and threw up. (Another thing I remember about that road trip: A new Batman movie had come out and there was a Prince song on the soundtrack. There's this one point when there's a scream - at the exact same time a bird hit the windsheild (4:18). CREEPY!) I am so thankful that I can read and ride and not feel sick. Though this did lead to a complete lack of direction once I turned 16 and had to remember road and stuff (you see, I had been reading the entire time my family drove me around). Other than that, I don't feel comfortable with negative g's, so I don't enjoy most roller coasters, and especially 'dropping' type attractions.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's your favorite midnight/late night snack?
The Asker


Auntie Barb said...

Used to be brownies and ice cream but 20 lbs later, I have gone to keeping a recipe of cho chip cookie dough in the fridge and only cooking a few to eat. The secret ingredient is "dark" brown sugar and half butter flavored crisco and half butter! YUM!!!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

I cannot remember ever eating a late night snack. I think this is mostly due to the fact that I am rarely awake past 9pm.

The Minears said...

It used to be anything sugary, now it's a cup of caramel tea. Stupid needing to lose weight.

groovysabrina said...

I tend not to eat anything more once I brush my teeth. The effort of brushing again makes the snack not seem worthwhile!

I only eat a snack if it is out of this world delicious, like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies or brownies.

Jeannie said...

I don't usually have a late night snack. I too am not up that late. The time of day I want a snack is around 4pm, and that is ok if I choose something nutritious, usually NOT.

kathleen said...

Ice cream would be my favorite, but
IF I have a snack it is a piece of fruit or a small glass of milk.

Jessim said...

I'm not really a night time eater, but right now my favorite snack is marshmellows. Cheaper than a candy bar- and you get a whole lot more.

Unfortunately the stress eating due to being insanely busy is not working out too well for me. I need to quit snacking.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Nick came in and asked what the question was today. When I told him, he looked at me and said, "Well, your favorite late night snack is dinner!"

Then he looked at my answer and said, "Yep. I was right."

Asker, I am pondering your comment about weird side effects to having children. I think for me, the weirdest side effect was actually finding "The Three Stooges" funny.

Jackie said...

Girl Scout Cookies and a glass of hot tea.

Kristen said...

Aunt Barbara, those cookies were delicious.

Anne, your inability to stay awake past 9 baffles me. And every time you mention Nick or Jake, I picture the small boys that I knew. THAT'S WEIRD!

Angela, TamiJean is in love with tea, but I haven't heard her mention something as lucious as caramel tea. tell me more!

Sabrina, yes please.

2nd and 1st Moms, that is admirable. I'm getting hungry right now, though...

Jessi, marshmallows are fantastic. mini or jumbo?

Jackie, which flavor of girlscout cookies?