Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I wonder how many of you will choose correctly.

Dear QotD?ers,
Oatmeal and Cream-of-wheat sometimes, cold cereal and milk always. I only like the cinnamon & apple oatmeal. I don't know that I've eaten Cream-of-Wheat outside my parent's kitchen, and I grew sick of it, but I have fond memories of it now. If I had to eat cereal every night of the week, I'd be ookat with that. As long as it isn't regular cheerios (I prefer the honey nut) or those mini-wheat things. I haven't gotten on the train with those. My favorite 'reasonable' serials are rice chex or crispex, rice crispies or un-frosted corn flakes. My favorite un-reasonably sugary delicious cereals are honey combes, peanut butter cap'n crunch, marshmallow maites, fruit loops, rainbow pebbles.. there are so many good cereals out there!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Kittens or Puppies?
The Asker


Anonymous said...

Kittens!Absolutely! Cute and .......clean!

Puppies are cute.....but they grow up to be....dogs!

Sorry for the dog lovers out there!

groovysabrina said...

Oh so true, Kathleen. Puppies are wonderful, but so labor-intensive! As a puppy owner some 4 times over, I can say that I love them but am quite happy now to remain a dog aunt or neighbor.

Right now, I could do without both kittens and puppies. But if I had to choose one, make it a kitten!

hey guys, take this opportunity to watch this super cute youtube video of Ninja Cat:

Anonymous said...

Oh, a tough one!

It would depend upon the situation - are we talking "looking at pictures of" or "what do you want to own"?

My personal stance is that cats are a better pet for most people, but that I personally want a puppy.

<3 I love well-behaved dogs. (Yes, I put a qualifier on there. poorly-behaved dogs are awful).

Puppy for me, please!

Jackie said...

Matthew and I are actually having this debate at the moment. I'm getting a pet for next semester, and I say kitten and Matthew says dog.

We got my mom a puppy for Christmas, and while there's no arguing the adorableness of it, it's a lot of work, needs a lot of attention, and requires a lot of effort.

However, when our cat had kittens last Easter, the day after they were born we sat a litter box beside them and, one by one, they hoped in. Cats are just ten times smarter than dogs. Besides, kittens are just the cutest things that ever cuted. (when talking about kittens, cute is allowed to be a verb)

Speaking of cute -- I love that groovysabrina!

Stacy Drake said...

BOTH! Simultaneously!