Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I love how candle smoke reminds me of birthday cake

Dear QotD?ers,
I got my hair last cut in January, right before the end of the month. I'm not used to having bangs, so I don't have a schedule set up to go back to get them trimmed. There's lots of layers now, and I wouldn't ask my mom to try to replicate that. (she trimmed my bangs growing up. did you know that?) I need to make an appointment because my bangs are taking over my face again.
Today was Tuesday, and it went almost as fast as my Monday. The morning was fast on account of three meetings. the afternoon was fast on account of doing lots of work. Then I rode the van home, read some and took a nap. And because it's Spring Break, I didn't have class... so I ate dinner and played computer games. That Lydia can motivate my exercize habits in a way I cannot. But my neck and left shoulder feel real sore. I'm not sure why.
Ok, that was a lot of random stuff about my day with no actual point. Well, I didn't have one OH WAIT! This is the week of Birthdays! My niece's birthday was today (tuesday) and my dad's birthday is today (wednesday). And my sister-in-law is on friday. None of them participate (and the niece has a really good excuse, being only 6(!!)), but I still like to think of them.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's the last birthday party you went to?
The Asker


Anonymous said...

Maybe one of The Askers brothers. Mike's party?

Anonymous said...

We celebrated Justin's birthday at the Red Robin hamburger place in Pearland. It was an especially nice night as we were eating at a new place, new flavors and it snowed outside that night! As the restaurant was new, the fire alarm was not working properly, so it kept going off at random. Funny, the alarm sounded a bit like a giant red robin chirping.

Anonymous said...

We celebrate birthdays at school with a potluck birthday lunch and that would be the last birhtday party. It was March 2.
Today is Martin's birthday and I have something special planned for

Anonymous said...

I actually thought about Gwyneth this week, as I am fully aware that she has born almost exactly one year after Jessica. I even thought about the fact that Gwyneth is turning six and finishing kindergarten! What fun!!

Despite having her tonsils out on the 16th, we celebrated Jessica's birthday on the 19th with ice cream cake and presents! I made meatloaf and mashed potatos for her birthday dinner and she was very happy.

Nick will turn 11 on the 31st. He is having friends over on April 3rd. On Tuesday we will have T-bone steak and cheesecake for his birthday dinner. Nick has never liked birthday cakes, and instead opts for a cheesecake. I think he is the smartest kid ever! (right after Jacob and Jessica!!)

In the month of March, I personally know 12 people who have birthdays!!!

groovysabrina said...

We celebrated a friend's birthday on March 6. The funny part is that she made the cake for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I don't really...do...birthdays.

I guess because my own is so close to Christmas, I never really saw a big deal in them.

In theory, my friends understand this, and aren't disappointed when I don't come to birthday parties (I hate parties) and give a halfhearted "Oh, Happy Birthday" as a gift. Assuming I even remember.

Anonymous said...


Let me know how that all works out for you once you have kids.

I tired that really mellow approach to birthdays with kids and have been called some very ugly names by family members. And it will be hard to escape the over-the-top birthday parties that other parents throw for their kids.

My kids have adjusted to the fact that I am not a big party giver. I am not sure they are happy about though.