Thursday, March 5, 2009

denim blue, faded up to the sky

Dear QotD?ers,
Today I had another case of mistaken identity. This time involving my last name. My married name, sure, that's common enough to maybe get some wires crossed... but I'm not teaching an english class at the community college in my hometown. Eventually it was all sorted out, someone erroneously chose me (i'm on file as staff... i worked a summer camp) instead of my second cousin who's up there. Sheesh!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you dry your denim jeans on a line or in the drier?
Drier. they don't dry crispy like on a line. and I guess I don't care too much on the shrinkage factor... I just wear them to-fit again.
The Asker


Auntie Barb said...

I wear my jeans to work every day so I take them to the cleaners and have them lightly starched. Then I can wear the same pair of jeans every day for a week and they look brand new every day because of the starch. I am so blessed to get to wear jeans to work!

Anonymous said...

Jeans in the dryer! Always!
I get to wear jeans on Fridays........with a school spirit shirt! Gotta love Fridays!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a clothesline I could dry clothes on!

If I had one, I'd use it. Since I don't, it has to be the dryer.

Anonymous said...

The Asker does my clothes. <3 x 10^999...

In college I wore wet jeans to class on more than one occasion. I thought drying on the clothes hanger over-night would be good enough. Sometimes it didn't work out so well. ~COLD LEGS~

groovysabrina said...

For a very long time, I would FREAK OUT if my jeans went through the dryer. This is because I always had a difficult time finding jeans long enough and any kind of slight shortening was extremely troubling, especially for a teenager.

Later, I used a that fresh, out of the drier snugness now.

Jackie said...

At the moment, I have to dry everything by clothes lines because my dryers been broken for nearly three weeks now. =(