Wednesday, September 24, 2008

eggs! in the fridge!

Dear QotD?ers,
We have perishable foods in the refrigerator and RamRom the Tumputer is out of the closet and hooked up for all my home computing needs. Hurricane Crazyness is officially over.
Anne shared some useful ear cleaning fact in yesterday's answers. Also, I believe a yellow bedroom is a very strange gift indeed.
Today's Question is going to be a two-parter. If you've ever been to a party, sleepover, 'get to know you' function or team building activity, you may have played the game Three Truths and One Lie. I don't know if that's actually the name of it, but it describes the gameplay. You provide the players with three truthful statements and one false statement about yourself. The other players then try to guess which one is the lie.
This is what it would sound like if George Washington was a QotD?er:
I was the first President of the United States.
I did not chop down that cherry tree.
I find powdered hair stylish.
I only had 1 tooth when I became president.
The more obscure the truths are, the better!
For tomorrow's Question, I will ask you to read through everyone's list and guess which is the lie. So save your speculations until tomorrow.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are 3 truths and 1 lie about yourself?
The Asker


Tami Parker said...

* When I was a child, I nicknamed the cow carcass on the pasture I would trespass on "Eureka" - You Reek-a. I watched with fascination as she decomposed over the course of a year.
* I was once chased out of a perfect 'clubhouse' in the woods by a turkey vulture with a nest who decided she wanted it more than I did.
* On a FFA trip, my teacher once got jailed overnight because a package of bone meal (used for the pigs) was determined by a highway patrolman to be a giant bag of cocaine.
* I accidentally ran a red light once because a creepy guy pulled up next to me in a truck and leered at me. I hit the gas before I even realized what I was doing.

Anonymous said...

* I had to attend night school to graduate high school.

* I do not know my right from my left.

* The best day of my life in school was in fourth grade when we learned long division.

* I am the first author on a published scientific paper.


Kristen said...

*I consider three childhood incidents as "near death." They involved: a 4-wheeler in the woods, a trampoline in the neighbor's backyard, a pool in another neighbor's backyard.

*I have rolled across the floor in a movie theatre lobby for a one dollar bill.

*Given the first few seconds of a song in almost any genre, I can probably recall either the song title, artist, lyrics or guitar solo.

*All of my boyfriends have been Methodist.

Anonymous said...

*I have crawled around inside Egyptian pyramids.
*In fifth grade I memorized the Greek alphabet.
*I watched all six of the Star Wars movies back to back in one sitting.
*I can't give blood because I could have Mad Cow Disease.

groovysabrina said...

*I once spent the night in a zoo.

*I once spent the night with American Indians partaking in a peyote ritual.

*As a child, I used to run around barefoot in cow manure on a farm in the midwest.

*I was on the spelling team in high school, competing Saturday mornings and practicing after school with our spelling coach.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh..........this is fun!

* I have been pulled over by a policeman thinking I was drunk.
* I have taken belly dancing classes and had a recital.
*I have had my car towed twice for being parked illegally.
* I have watched all 5 "Planet of the Apes" movies at a drive in movie theatre.

Anonymous said...

I am very much looking forward to the guessing!

My Entry:

* While piloting a gondola in Venice, I dropped my hostel key in the canal

* I got pulled over in Missouri as a suspected drug runner

* I got stared down by a pissed-off midget Wesley Snipes for 20 minutes on a bus ride

* I've eaten bull testicles and calf brains in the same omelet

alicia said...

--i can brush my teeth with my toes

--i have never had any part of me pierced or tattooed

--i have worn two superbowl rings... at the same time

--i have never worn the title of "girlfriend"

amanda said...

-the only possessions i have can fit into the back of my car
-my mom once had 13 cats
-the farthest west i have been in the united states is san angelo, tx
-my hair has been blonde, red, brown, maroon and green.