Friday, September 19, 2008

Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo

Dear QotD?ers,
I've got a few pictures posted on my lj. Last night on tv we started watching the movie The Crow which I had never seen, but Justin had. I remember it being a scary movie that I shouldn't watch. Within the first few minutes, I could see why it was so scary and that was without the eyeball eating and stabbing scenes that were cut for TV airing. I was also very confused on the raven's part in the movie and how the 'good guy' was sooo creepy. Then we flipped to hilarious NBC sitcoms.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Why do people without power need ice?
The Asker
P.S. "Un elefante se balanceaba" is remarkably close to the theme song for Sharon, Lois & Bram's The Elephant Show.
"One elephant went out to play
Upon a spider's web one day
She had such enormous fun
That she asked for another elephant to come"


Kristen said...

I really don't know why ice is being handed out as a necessity with food and water. It's not like they have an unfailing source of ice to reliably keep their lunch meat and eggs cold for weeks.
I don't know that it's so essential to keeping cool.
I could see it being seroiusly needed for persons with refrigerated medication.

Tami Parker said...

Agreed with you on the ice. For myself, I don't think I could make good use of ice if it were given, although if you put it in your freezer and then DON'T open it, maybe it could keep that food from going bad? Lots of insulation there.

At this point, it's probably moot anyway.

Also, regarding your Crow question, the Raven actually held his soul. The "human" body that was moving around and doing stuff could be stabbed, shot, and otherwise deaded without him dying. If someone killed the bird, however, he would be dead for real.

That's my take on it, without cheating and checking wikipedia.

Anonymous said...

Because there's a line for it? It must be good if there's a line for it. It must be especially good considering that it's a long line. Outta my way, gotta get mine!

I'd rather pickup batteries, camp stove fuel and backpacking food.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard an English rendition of the song. I have also never heard of Sharon, Lois & Bram's The Elephant Show. But give yourself double points for knowing the song!!

It is overwhelming to face so much change in such a short time. I suppose the ice helps people maintain some of the routines that help them feel stable. But it does seem a bit lacking in logic.

I had to laugh this morning as I was reading one of the on-line papers that I frequent. There was certain outrage that Houston is still cleaning up A WEEK LATER and that our government hasn't fixed all of Houston yet!! Didn't Houston get an EASY button before the hurricane?? Sheesh!!

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily for their iced tea.........
To try to keep refrigerator stuff cool.

Jessim said...

I'm thinking that the medication answer is the only good one. Except that there is a line for it. So it must be good.

But other than that, there doesn't really seem to be a good need for it. The power is out way to long for it to be keeping refridgerated (crap, I meant to spell check that and instead I clicked 'add to dictionary' so now my dictionary is wrong) stuff cool. I don't think I'd bother with the ice lines so much as the water ones.

amanda said...

your mom is totally right. you can out ice in the bottom of your refrigerator to help keep it cool so you CAN keep perishable items around even if the electricity goes off. and for my family, because we live so far away from everything, we had THREE deep freezes that the last time the hurricane knocked power out, we kept putting them in the top to save our food. granted, we had to clean up the water when the power came on, but it saved us a lot of money from not wasting it on spoiled food.

AND it doesn't really hurt to have a cold drink everyone in a while either.