Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rock Band Tour

Dear QotD?ers,
I slept pretty hard on the van-pool van this morning on the way to work. My oatmeal is extra tastey this morning, so hopefully today will be a great day! It's the first of a 4-day work week!
8 loads of laundry is A LOT! especially for a family of two. But camping does provide a good source of dirty clothes and linens.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your favorite fruit?
The Asker


Kristen said...

I love strawberries. Perhaps I will have some in my garden one day, and I will keep them bug-free with magical ant-eating frogs.

In my parents garden, when I had strawberries, they were lovely and delicious, especially to the ants

Anonymous said...

Strawberries are good. I also like Gala apples and raspberries. Sometimes oranges are awesome, too.

groovysabrina said...

In the summer, BERRIES (straw, black, blue, rasp)! I missed them this time around. Watermelon is also a treat in the summer.

Lately, I have grown quite fond of papaya.

Anonymous said...

Mangos and avacados are the best. Homegrown tomatos and watermelons are great. Blueberries, which I hope to grow in our garden someday, are fabulous. I love the Fuji apples, peaches and clementines.

What fruit don't I like???

I'm still thinking.

Tami Parker said...

Berries, almost certainly hands-down. Strawberries, raspberries...NOM!

I have recently found a strong fondness for the Galia Melon though. First melon I've ever liked!

Anonymous said...

I like cherimoyas best, they taste like loquat.

Anonymous said...

I don't eat a lot of fruit, but I do like cherries, berries, citrus fruits, and pineapple.

alicia said...

if i were a fruit snob and could only choose one very specific type of fruit, i would choose organic, fresh, vine-ripened, california cherries. but there's not a single fruit that i won't eat heartily. God knew what he was doing when he gave us lots of fruit choices!! i love pineapple, mangos, papaya, apples, bananas, blueberries, plums, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and tomatoes. those would probably be my "top shelf" fruit selection. and then on the second shelf would be the rest of the berries, oranges, grapefruit, passion fruit, peaches, nectarines, and kiwi. i don't really know what's left, but that would probably be the third string of the fruit team.

mmmmm, good topic of discussion. now i'm going to get an apple!

Anonymous said...

Hee Hee!

Last year, on a particularly hectic morning, Nick grabbed the sack lunch on the counter and left for school.

Later that morning, I wondered why Bob had moved my sack of ripening peaches to the island, but had many other things to worry about and dismissed the thought.

When Nick came home from school, he kinda glared at me and asked if I thought that was funny. He had grabbed the sack of peaches and ended up eating five peaches for lunch that day.

At first, I thought he was kidding because the sack of peaches was still on the island. Upon investigation, we found that THAT sack was miscellaneous nuts and bolts.

Upon assessment, Nick and I both agreed that the sack of peaches was a better draw than the sack of nuts and bolts.

His sack lunch was still in the refrigerator.

Nick is not a fan of peaches!!

Unknown said...

Lemons! For some reason I really enjoy lemons. It's not something I'll eat a lot of at a time, but a lemon slice a couple times a day is fantastic. I guess its because they're sour. I also like to drink a sip of pickle juice every time I pass the 'fridge.

....Rock Band Tour?

that's something you can do when you come visit me! the roommate bought rockband. You and Justin should practice up on your guitar hero skills.

Anonymous said...
