Monday, September 29, 2008

I made banana bread

Dear QotD?ers,
If you haven't answered for three truths and a lie yet, please do so now.
I had a good girls weekend. I got to see Angela & Annan, Mom and Toottles. Activities included seeing the movie The Women, birthday dinner at TGIFriday's (including singing waitstaff and carmel sundae), rummage sale and lunch in the backyard.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
When was the last time you were on a slip-n-slide?
The Asker


Kristen said...

That's a hard one. Hmm. I think it was in my parent's backyard. Sometime during high school?
The following day I was sore all over. People who weight over 80 pounds should not throw themselves at the ground, even if there is wet plastic and an intent to slide.

groovysabrina said...

Yes, indeed, I totally agree. I used to LOVE slip-n-slidin'!

My last experience is not the one I choose to remember as representative of slip-n-slidin' in general. I think I was also in high school, playing with my much younger cousins, and it was some fancy slip-n-slide with bump, a little pool at the end and an arch over it. I kept hitting my end on the arch, and I didn't fit in the pool! At least not very gracefully. That was the end of my slip-n-slide days.

I think if I were to slip-n-slide again (and I WILL), it would involve an inner tube to take the impact and subsequent friction!

Anonymous said...

I do not have any memory of slipping and sliding. Maybe it just never left a big impact on me.

I do remember sliding down the mud slope at the creek, where you would fly off the end and splash into "the deep waters." We would also play Mud Monsters by the mud slope. That was good fun.

Anonymous said...

Middle/high school youth group. We had some sort of muck party.(shaving cream fight, kiddie pools of bird seed and syrup, slip & slide with soapy water, etc.) I remember thinking that lumpy tree roots are not a good substrate for a slip & slide-way.

alicia said...

i think i was in middle school during my last slip 'n' slide adventure. it was definitely not as much fun as my previous experiences. it was another of those sad revelations when you realize you're too old to enjoy like you used to. and i agree with justin about the tree roots. not a good choice...

Anonymous said...

I don't know!! I don't even remember having a real slip 'n slide experience. We used to have this 6' padded plastic exercise mat we'd play on in the summertime. I remember there being some slipping and very short-distance sliding involved, but it couldn't have been like the real thing.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have have been on a slip-n-slide.
I have been on various at a water park.