Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Leftovers 3/5

Dear QotD?ers,
For those of you who weren't able to look at the sky: The waning moon, along with Venus and Jupiter, are making a sad face (for the northern hemisphere) or a happy face (for southern hemisphere).
It looked pretty good on Monday, but last night it looked like it was moving apart already.
back to questions
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What dish do you think is better as leftovers? (fully cooked, then refrigerated for at least 12 hours, then reheated)
Spaghetti, aging causes the noodles to get sauce flavor as opposed to just noodles and sauce. Also, barley soup, but maybe that's just because I love barley soup.


Anonymous said...

I would like your recipe for barley soup, lady.

Also, I think chili has to be, hands-down, the most "better the next day" meal I can think of.

Same reason as Kristen listed - the flavors in the sauce permeate the other items (namely, the beans), and all the flavors sort of meld together.

I've had "meh" chili that was eye-poppingly wow the next day.

I vote chili1

Anonymous said...

There's some stir-fry and fried rice that we've made that's been good that night, and really good the next day at lunch.

I think also that's because I always burn my tounge on egg rolls before dinner so I can't taste it as well. =/

groovysabrina said...

Every Christmas my parents make their South-Louisiana Style Shrimp, which, for not being from the South, they pull off amazingly well. The flavors are even more wonderful the following day (if there is any left!).

Daryl's gumbo also gets better with every day it sits in the fridge!

Dang, I forgot to look up last night! Now I have to wait until 2052?! I always miss these astronomical events.

Anonymous said...

I think just about any type of soup or stew or even chili tastes better the next day!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kathleen.

But better than any leftovers is that gas is now free!! Okay, not quite free, but I can fill up a tank with the loose change on the floorboard!