Friday, December 12, 2008

That 5 cents a day adds up!

Dear QotD?ers,
Thank you for all the snowman compliments! That was seriously the most amazing snow I've ever seen. There was NO ICE associated with it, immediately making it better than every snow that I experienced in North Texas.
And today I'm going to listen to my John Denver and the Muppets Christmas CD. I am now fully into the holiday spirit. The next two weeks will probably be nothing but Christmas questions, so I'll refrain one more day.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's the longest time you've ever had something overdue? (library books, rented movies..babies?)
The Asker


Kristen said...

I currently have three library books due. Despite the fact that I am within easy reach of 3 county libraries every work day, I don't have access to them when I ride the van (every day). And even if I wanted to drive across town to OUR library, it suffered enough hurricane damage that it's STILL not open.
I've probably had overdue library books for a few weeks before. I love libraries and don't actually feel too bad when I have to give them 50 cents, as if it were an excuse for tiny donations.

Anonymous said...

I remember having a library book overdue for months because after I was done I put it in our bookshelf at home. The fine was dollars and I had to run home to rummage around for it before they'd let me check another book for another stupid high school research project.

Anonymous said...

That would be movies. We don't use the libraries, really. Jessica and Nick go once a week to the school library and they check out two books each, but we have never had a book late at school. Otherwise, we just buy books. Bob syas this adds to the clutter of the house, but has he noticed all the drums and guitars in the living room??

Janine said...

I start feeling overly guilty after a couple days... I think the longest we've gone is probably 3 days on library books (but they were children's books and our library doesn't fine those).

groovysabrina said...

I'm long overdue for a visit home!!

Anonymous said...

New car.........that is loooooooong over due! :)
