Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
Last weekend we put together our hurricane preperadeness food box. As you can see, we have fruit, chocolate, some sort of instant food and cans of soup and spaghettios, greenbeans and crackers! There have been no Gulf Coast threatening hurricanes this season, so let's keep it up! and then I'll eat those peanut M&Ms. OK, so today I learned that A LOT of you see A LOT of animals every day. This has left me feeling very sheltered and sad. Most days I see, .. maybe some birds, but it doesn't register. The past two days I've seen this mangy orangy dog walking down the street. This may be the one that is poopin' in our yard. Oh wait, I take it back. Every day I go to the chiropractor I see ducks in the pond behind the buiding. I saw over 30 ducks today! However, other than that I don't really see animals. I wish I had a cat. Or a friend with a cat that I could visit. sigh.

Today's Quesiton of the Day? is:
How many teachers are you related to?

The Asker


The Minears said...

My mom, Melisa (my baby sister started her first teaching job this year!!), my Aunt Carla, my cousin's wife, and John's mom. Plus I have quite a few cousins who are teachers, plus 3 first cousins who are in school to be teachers. We are definitely a family full of teachers!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

My mother's cousin is a substitute teacher in Washington. My aunt Sally was a special ed teacher long ago, but she has not taught for over thirty years. She now has a PhD in Audiology and works with underpriviledged kids to get them hearing aids. And that is it. Even if I run through Bob's whole family, that is it.

But speaking of such things....Hey, Kathleen! Looks like I am a go with helping at Frank Seale this year!! The details will be refined after September 1st, but I am so excited! If you and Sue stick around one more year, I will be your little helper next!!

When I shared the news with the kids yesterday, Jessica was disappointed, because she wants me to help at her school. Nick and Jake, however, thought it would be great fun if, instead of helping with math,I sat in the cafeteria smoking a cigarette and yelled out random facts about health and nutrition. Jake said, 'You could be the crazy Polish woman screaming in the kitchen that nobody understands.' Wait for it. Wait for it.

"Oh, yeah. That wouldn't be changing your life, would it?"

Even still, I found the idea had it merits.

Auntie Barb said...

Wow, if we're talking just immediate family, I would say 3. Jeannie, my sister, Stacia, my daughter and Meg, Danny's sister. But we have a host of cousins that are teachers.

Jeannie said...

Well, we are all teachers of one sort or another aren't we? Let's see, I teach, two neices, several 2nd cousins. Yep, that is all I know about.

groovysabrina said...

My mom is a teacher. I guess that's it! Wow, this is surprising to me since so many people around me are teachers now!

Jessim said...

Well I don't teach but I'm a licensed teacher- so me. My BIL, is a lawyer now, but was an English teacher for awhile. My Aunt Dina taught, but now she is sahm. My cousin Kimberly taught when she lived overseas, but I don't think she does now.

That's all I can think of. If you asked nurses my numbers would be WAY up there.

Tami Parker said...

Goodness! I think I might end up being the only person to say that I am not related to a single teacher.

kathleen said...

Sister in law, neices....3

kathleen said...

I am excited that you will be at our school.........helping with Math!!! .........not smoking a cigarette in the cafeteria!

kathleen said...

Let's hope there are no hurricanes
in the Gulf of Mexico this year.