Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
This evening we watched Mighty Boosh. Today I learned that $16,000 can buy you a hypoallergenic mini-leopard. Other than that, it was a pretty unexciting day. I'm going to read a chapter or two of my current library book, maybe eat a cookie and go to bed.
However, tomorrow (Thursday) is a fantastic day because it's the birthday of one of my most favorite people. Mom! It's Mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!

I'm related to a some teachers. Mom, Aunt Mary Lou, Mom-In-Law, Cousin Sarah, Justin's cousin... I also have a lot of friends that became teachers.

Today's Question of they Day? is:
Do you like resteraunt staff to sing at you when it's your birthday? Remember that you also get free dessert!

The Asker


Jackie said...

For free dessert, I would endure almost any form of embarrassment.

Jackie said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday Kathleen!! (in fifteen minutes)

The Minears said...

No, I would rather just buy the dessert myself. Besides the embarassment, the desserts they bring are usually not the most spectacular.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Happy Birthday, Kathleen!

I am completely in agreement with Minears on this. I don't even like it when they sing Happy Birthday to someone at my table. Actually, anywhere in the restuarant is disruptive and not to my liking, but it does not embarrass me or make me uncomfortable. I would MUCH rather choose my own dessert and my own celebration.

Although, about 7 years ago or so, we were actually sitting in some chain restuarant (like an Applebees, maybe) and out of the blue and for no reason (as it not a birthday for anyone we knew), Bob told the waiters it was Jake's birthday. Since we rarely go out to eat, neither Jake nor Nick had any idea what was coming. Jake was terribly embarrassed and went all shades of pink and was actually a little frightened when they first approached the table. But Nick....he turned red and had tears coming out his eyes he was laughing so hard. At that point, even Jake was laughing.

Jessim said...

I'm neither for or against the practice

kathleen said...

No, I really don't like to have strange people singing to me!
However, the free dessert is good.
Thank you to all who have wished me a Happy Birthday!

Jeannie said...

Happy Birthday, Kathleen!
Not a fan of singing Happy Birthday at the table or the free dessert. However, I did hear this waiter, with a beautiful baritone voice, sing Happy Birthday in Italian at a Macaroni Grill one time and it was pretty special. He said he had to audition for the job!

groovysabrina said...

Happy Birthday, Kathleen!
Wow, Jeannie, that guy at the Macaroni Grill does sound special.
I'm with Jackie, I'd endure a little off-key, disruptive singing by strangers for some free dessert.

Tami Parker said...

Happy birthday, Kristen's mom!

I hate (hate hate) the happy birthday song enforced signing, free dessert or no, regardless of whether it's being sun to me or to someone else. It's not that I find it disruptive, just that it's embarrassing and nobody ever really seems to enjoy it unless it's a prank.

They do that at work - cake and the birthday song. The people singing it don't like it and the people being sung to don't like it.

I am rabidly anti-birthday song except in the cases of small children, when it's still a very special thing.

Cuñao said...

TV: Mighty Boosh, haven't heard of it. A friend of mine said "Rome" is AMAZING, but I had never heard of it either. Opinions?

Happy Birthday, Kathleen!

Birthday singing: No. Not at all. Anne pretty effectively summed up my sentiments on the matter; the tradition is obnoxious. But, I'm cynical of birthday parties except in the case of kids (I figure moments of narcissism are good for their self-esteems) Did I mention I'm cynical?

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Eeegads. I answered Asker at 4:49 this morning. I had already started the coffee, let out the dog, read my emails, answered Standard Charter Bank in London and had a half of cup of coffee before I logged on to Question of the Day.

I hope you had a great day, Kathleen! Okay, you know what? I hope everyone had a great day for Kathleen's birthday!!

Moana Shake said...

I can still sing the Golden Corral Birthday Song.

Eww gads!