Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food Shopping: 4/?

Dear QotD?ers,
I'm reading and annotated version of Alice in Wonderland. I've not read any version of the book before. I've only seen the Disney cartoon once or twice and remember the '45' and read-along booklet better. But I saw this big fancy book at the library and got it. I'm really enjoying the details I'm learning about the book, the culture of England at that time and the author. For example, did you know that I would put Lewis Carroll and Michael Jackson in the same "it's creepy for you to like children that much, even if it is just as friends" category? Get this, Carroll would draw naked, pre-pubecent girls, using actual girls, with their mother's permission. That's creepy. But Carroll is also a math nerd.
I don't impulse buy much. When we would go to Super Target for groceries, I would make a point to stop at the 'Dollar Spot' to see if there was any good stuff. Like socks.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is the strangest product you've seen at the grocery store?
The Asker


Mother of three, Anne said...

I can't think of anything that strange at a regular market. I was surprised to find wasabi at my local Brookshires. I wouldn't have guessed there was much demand in this area for wasabi, but I was glad to find it.

Hard to think anyone could stand up to Michael Jackson in the wierd category, but I have also known plenty of math nerds that were creepy as well, so....

kathleen said...

Nothing comes to mind but since I am going today, I might look around.

Jeannie said...

The ugly fruit is pretty strange. It looks like a large grapefruit that has gone bad...yellow/gray rough peeling on the outside and very wrinkled. When you open it, you see it looks and tastes like a pink grapefruit. Pretty good, but very strange looking.

AggieEngineer2k said...

Man, HEB has some weeeeird looking Star Trek props in their produce section. I'm kinda tempted to get some, to (A) see what the checker does, (B) see what Kristen does, and (C) figure out something tasty to do with them.

Also, Daryl (cuñao here) introduced us to something called cherimoya, a.k.a. "Pudding Fruit", that only grows in Brazil, looks scary, and tastes just like pudding.

Tami Parker said...

I'm not really sure, as far as grocery weirdness goes. I was startled to see little bins of pomegranate seeds, but that was before I realized the seed (not necessarily the flesh) was the best part of the pomegranate. I've seen pumpkin ravioli, arrays of peach and plum hybrids, apples that taste of grape koolaid, bags of frozen soups...

...Oh wait! I know!

I'm STILL baffled by the entire row in the Woodman's frozen foods section that is nothing but frozen potatoes. It runs the depth of the store, and sure enough, it has nothing in it but potato products. Hash browns, tater tots, french fries - starch upon frozen starch. A dizzying selection. I would never have guessed that we could come up with enough ways to freeze potatoes to fill those freezers.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

The looming giant, who nows cooks almost all our dinners, is going shopping with my parents this weekend. They make a weekly trip into Dallas and go to the Asian Market, Whole Foods and the Goody Goodys (that's the beer store.) Jake asked to go so he can find new foods and items for new recipes. I hope he comes home with some fun stuff!!

Someone asked me how I got my sixteen year old son to cook meals. I told them that I had done nothing. This struck me as a correct, but incomplete, answer. I suppose "nothing deliberate" is more accurate.

So, I will ask Jeannie how she happened to raise TWO sons who do lots of cooking. Maybe I will find out what I did unknowingly through her answer!! I just hope she did things deliberately.

Jackie said...

An entire cows head at the Brookshires in Midlothian.

And in my literature class Summer I, we studied Carroll and I personally find him pretty creepy. My teacher defended him relentlessly and thought he was just fascinated by the art of photographing children. Want something even more creepy? We had to watch two versions of the film and write a comparison paper. The Disney version and a Czech version by a guy named Svankmajer. It's called "Alice" and I found it quite disturbing. Apparently it's the inspiration for the new Tim Burton version. We'll see if I get up the guts to see that one.

groovysabrina said...

Alice in Wonderland always left me feeling a little empty and scared. I begged my parents to get it and then could barely get through it alone!

Usually I am more surprised here about what I CAN'T find in a grocery store. Tortillas?! thanks Jeannie :)

In an English grocery store, I found one of the canned pudding products to be hilarious, if not incredibly vulgar...It was called "Spotted Dick."

Cuñao says he has seen pickled pigs feet and cow stomach often at HEB. Also a goat's head in Morocco.

kathleen said...

Tripe is always wierd looking but I did not take the time to look at anything strange or wierd.