Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food Shopping: 5/?

Dear QotD?ers,

I gave blood today and got to eat oreos. I also got a cupon for a free pint of Blue Bell. I was also informed that I qualify to get my "1 gallon" coffee mug. I'm saving the world, three people a quarter.
Today, there were lots of wind, lightening, thunder and thunderstorms, but somehow I missed out on the rain part.
I am not always the most efficient person to go grocery shopping with. I can become easily distracted by: neon green pudding, carrot chip samples, the vitamin aisle at HEB, a bag in which to store grocery bags. Did I mention the neon green pudding? If it was the late 80s, early 90s, I would be less surprised, since I would assume it was Slimer brand pudding.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

When is your favorite time to go shopping?

The Asker


Jeannie said...

I like to go food shopping in the morning. The crowds are smaller, the produce is put out fresh and the day is cooler for unloading all those groceries! I am also usually not hungry so less likely to be tempted by impulse buying!

Auntie Barb said...

I like to go in the morning if I am going to WalMart. I once got there around 8:40 and had the whole store to myself. I wandered around for hours. Of course that makes you spend a bit more, because usually your're trying to get what you need and get away from the people.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

When life is good, I go after I drop kids off at school on Tuesdays. Everything is fresh from the Monday delivery trucks and the aisles are empty. I am less likely to forget something and it is actually calming.

Mr. Ken, who told me last week that he could not be bothered by my report on the status of payments, as that was menial women's work and he had important meal planning and grocery shopping to do, likes to go about ten in the morning on Tuesdys nad Fridays. This is when the "Dead Meat" section gets put out and he can buy at a bargain.

The Brookshires, where I have NEVER seen a cow's head, so what is Jackyln even talking about??, puts their "dead Meat" section out on Saturday and Sunday mornings about 7am. How cruel is that? The only two days a week that I am not up, dressed and moving by 7am, and that is when they put out their bargain meat? I thought they were my best friends!!!

groovysabrina said...

sunday afternoon for groceries. for some reason the store is empty and the lines are not miserable! This is probably because sundays are special family days for most Brazilians.

kathleen said...

My favorite time to go grocery shopping is early in the morning when it is cooler outside and not many people inside.

Clothes shopping........usually never. I do that out of necessity and I have to be 'in the mood'

Tami Parker said...

Early Saturday morning, before the crowds appear

Jeannie said...

Anne, sounds like you did something great if your son is cooking! Our whole family cooks. I think we just had fun with food and enjoyed trying new things. Probably none of us are great cooks but we enjoy the creative outlet! The boys were both Eagle Scouts so that means plenty of campouts with cooking duties for them!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Great? Well, I doubt that. But how do you really know when they are sixteen? Because most days I get the distinct impression that he is only cooking to prove that he is sooo much smarter and better than his father and I. (father and me???)

And I really am not sure it is anything I did. I think it is more that he wants to try and learn new things. That is surely how he approaches cooking. Last weekend he tried bread. The bread did not rise, and he thinks the water temperature was off and inhibited the yeast, but it was tomato basil bread. I'll be excited when he tries again.

Jeannie said...

Praise for you Anne....and praise to him for trying!