Monday, August 31, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,

Our TV is set up, but we still don't have any furniture in that room. Unless you count the boxes of frames and pictures and poster, which I don't. Because it's a new tv, it already has the built in HD whatever, so as soon as we get an antenna(sp?) I can get seriously excited about watching LOST and Dancing with the Stars in HD! (Right? that's how it works?)

A BBQ should have at least one sort of meat with bbq sauce, baked beans and potato salad. Everything else is a bonus. But watermellon makes a bbq cookout a summertime cookout.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Stripes or Checks?

The Asker

P.S. crimpity crimpity

Sunday, August 30, 2009

it goes good with sauce

Dear QotD?ers,

Today was a day of big purchases. We bought a big, flat tv and a grill. Being frugal engineers has put us into a very good savings-heavy financial status. We are very blessed to be in this situation. But it's still overwhelming and amazing to make big purchases. We have a real big TV and you can come over to watch it sometime!

I really don't mind the birthday singing at restaurants. I usually sing and clap along when someone across the room is getting serenaded. I will gladly endure apathetic singing for free dessert. But restaurants that make the birthday person stand up or wear a dumb hat or something else utterly embarrassing, I'm against that.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What are your favorite foods to eat at a bbq cookout?

The Asker

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
This evening we watched Mighty Boosh. Today I learned that $16,000 can buy you a hypoallergenic mini-leopard. Other than that, it was a pretty unexciting day. I'm going to read a chapter or two of my current library book, maybe eat a cookie and go to bed.
However, tomorrow (Thursday) is a fantastic day because it's the birthday of one of my most favorite people. Mom! It's Mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!

I'm related to a some teachers. Mom, Aunt Mary Lou, Mom-In-Law, Cousin Sarah, Justin's cousin... I also have a lot of friends that became teachers.

Today's Question of they Day? is:
Do you like resteraunt staff to sing at you when it's your birthday? Remember that you also get free dessert!

The Asker

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,
Last weekend we put together our hurricane preperadeness food box. As you can see, we have fruit, chocolate, some sort of instant food and cans of soup and spaghettios, greenbeans and crackers! There have been no Gulf Coast threatening hurricanes this season, so let's keep it up! and then I'll eat those peanut M&Ms. OK, so today I learned that A LOT of you see A LOT of animals every day. This has left me feeling very sheltered and sad. Most days I see, .. maybe some birds, but it doesn't register. The past two days I've seen this mangy orangy dog walking down the street. This may be the one that is poopin' in our yard. Oh wait, I take it back. Every day I go to the chiropractor I see ducks in the pond behind the buiding. I saw over 30 ducks today! However, other than that I don't really see animals. I wish I had a cat. Or a friend with a cat that I could visit. sigh.

Today's Quesiton of the Day? is:
How many teachers are you related to?

The Asker

Monday, August 24, 2009


Dear QotD?ers,

Remember this?

Well, now it looks like this!See the close up of all the shiney glass and pretty china? Yeah, it's pretty fantastic.
My heavenly duty would be to support the lighthearted enjoyment of hard science and math. Pi Day! Organic Chemistry jokes! This would also include watching over college students who have gone hysterical with studying.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
How many animals do you see, in person, on the average day?

The Asker

Monday, August 17, 2009

Heaven: 5/5

Dear QotD?ers,

Tomorrow I'll share a picture of our beatufiul china cabinet with all the beautiful stuff in it. Arranging the stuff: 10 minutes. Cleaning all the glass: 18 hours. Maybe. It took A LONG TIME.

One thing I want to know is the first time Justin and I really met. I'm pretty certain it was at a spaceship playground when we were kids. My parents have friends close to where Justin grew up and we've BOTH been to that playground.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

Apparently everyone in Heaven has duties, some Earthly cause, great or small, to watch over or subtly influence. What is yours?

The Asker

Heaven: 4/5

Dear QotD?ers,

If you are reading this on Friday morning, you can go to this website and sign up for free chocolate. Or sign up to get a cupon for free chocolate, but isn't that just as good? Angela, it says it's redemable in 'US government installations' I don't know what that means for you.

I don't have a good answer for yesterday's question. Though I do agree with Justin that dinosaurs would be cool

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What questions (not covered in Heaven Orientation) would you like to ask God?

The Asker

Heaven: 3/5

Dear QotD?ers,

We just heard an owl outside. I don't know where it was, since we don't have any trees worth hooting from. But it was a pleasant surprise for the evening.

I'd like to have some color-change wings. This will go well with my color-change hair.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

Who or what will you want to see first?

The Asker

Heaven: 2/5

Dear QotD?ers,
It actually rained at our house today! but I left to get my haircut and didn't get back until after dark. And then Justin tried to get me to eat lima beans.
In Heaven Orientation I would include answers to these questions: "What is the meaning of life?" "Why do bad things happen to good people?" "Why does God let Earth have disease and war?" "How was the universe really created?" "Are there aliens?" "How big is this place?" And then everyone would learn the basics about Heaven, like: There are no field trips to hell - we won't let you back in. Simulating fart noises is only allowed in designated areas. No, you can't have everything you've ever wanted because getting into heaven has transformed your soul and you no longer feel a need to punch people in the face or try drugs "just to see what it's like."
Today's Question of the Day? is:

How would you like your wings and halo? or, what other heavenly outfit would you prefer?

The Asker

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heaven: 1/5

Dear QotD?ers,
Excluding text books and china cabinet things, there are only 5 boxes left to unpack. That doesn't mean everything is neatly in its place (because some things are grouped in piles on the floor..) but PROGRESS!
Here, let me show you a picture of our dining room, with new china cabinet*

There are two things that I won't buy at the grocery store, but this is sort of untrue, since I've bought them before: sushi and pecans. Sushi because, well, raw fish intended to be eaten raw requires some skill and professional handling. Pecans because, well, they always come free and clean from my parents freezer. Since I don't live with them anymore, this limits my access to the Svatek Farm Pecans, but it doesn't make me feel better about buying pecans at the grocery store.
This week's questions are going to require some creativity** and faith (or suspension of disbelief). As you may surmise from the posts' title, the theme is Heaven! For this week, imagine that you have been fortunate enough to make it to Heaven, the afterlife, as ruled by God or 'supreme beings.'

Today's Question of the Day? is:
As a new comer, you have been invited to help develop 'Heaven Orientation.' This will become the program that all new souls will recieve and will cover all of the common questions, rules and possibilities.

What will you include in Heaven Orientation?

The Asker

*This is the point I got to last night when my computer started having serious problems performing my commands. I finally gave up on it, which is why the first of this week is showing up Tuesday morning. Apologies!

**None of us have been to Heaven and religious writings only give so much insight. Your 'heaven' can be however you want it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Food Shopping: 6/6

Dear QotD?ers,

Hey! That's me! This is the snippet that made it to our company intranet. There's a webpage that gets updated whenever anyone in the company has a major job move. That picture was taken on Tuesday. Tuesday also happens to be the last day I remember seeing my wallet. I've already searched the house, twice, and it's hot pink, so I'm hoping I'll find it in one of 4 locations at work tomorrow.
Hmm, Justin didn't answer. so I'll answer for both of us. We shop Sunday evenings. It's not crowded at all. The only drawback is that it's Sunday, the day before we have to go to work, and we are doing something productive instead of lazy.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is something (preferably food) you would never buy at a grocery store?
The Asker

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food Shopping: 5/?

Dear QotD?ers,

I gave blood today and got to eat oreos. I also got a cupon for a free pint of Blue Bell. I was also informed that I qualify to get my "1 gallon" coffee mug. I'm saving the world, three people a quarter.
Today, there were lots of wind, lightening, thunder and thunderstorms, but somehow I missed out on the rain part.
I am not always the most efficient person to go grocery shopping with. I can become easily distracted by: neon green pudding, carrot chip samples, the vitamin aisle at HEB, a bag in which to store grocery bags. Did I mention the neon green pudding? If it was the late 80s, early 90s, I would be less surprised, since I would assume it was Slimer brand pudding.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

When is your favorite time to go shopping?

The Asker

Food Shopping: 4/?

Dear QotD?ers,
I'm reading and annotated version of Alice in Wonderland. I've not read any version of the book before. I've only seen the Disney cartoon once or twice and remember the '45' and read-along booklet better. But I saw this big fancy book at the library and got it. I'm really enjoying the details I'm learning about the book, the culture of England at that time and the author. For example, did you know that I would put Lewis Carroll and Michael Jackson in the same "it's creepy for you to like children that much, even if it is just as friends" category? Get this, Carroll would draw naked, pre-pubecent girls, using actual girls, with their mother's permission. That's creepy. But Carroll is also a math nerd.
I don't impulse buy much. When we would go to Super Target for groceries, I would make a point to stop at the 'Dollar Spot' to see if there was any good stuff. Like socks.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is the strangest product you've seen at the grocery store?
The Asker

Food Shopping: 3/?

Dear QotD?ers,
You know what is not cool? Finding an earwhig bug on your toothpaste. This is unacceptable. I poured peroxide over my toothbrush (because who knows what has been crawling on it!) and my toothbrush is now living in a space capsule.
And to wash away that terrible thought from your mind, here is me doing a cartwheel in our front yard! weeeee!
We are curently shopping at the HEBstore exclusively. But there is a Kroger opening soon and it will be much closer and on the way home from the vanpool. I've told Justin that we'll get walkie talkies and do real-time comparison shopping some day.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you impulse buy?
The Asker

Food Shopping: 2/?

Dear QotD?ers,
I think the internet is all sorted out. I will start posting regularly.
It's been a strange month. Moving, setting up the house and Work was very busy. I changed jobs, though I'm still at the same location. But I had to move offices the same week as we were moving most of the house. I got a new boss, but transitioning my old tasks to the new guy and getting started on all my new tasks was really rough.
And we still have earwigs and spiders in the house. They are icky.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Where do you do most of your grocery shopping?
The Asker

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Food Shopping: 1/?

Dear QotD?ers,
Here at the house, we are experiencing some technical difficulties. The cable hardware from the utility box to the house is... bad? At least, that's the reason Comcast gives for our scattered and poor internet connection. I'm taking advantage of a wireless connection right now, but it's a hassel. For this week and next, until Comcast comes to fix it, QotD? will be irregular. Sorry :[
Additionally, that means you'll have to wait to see our new GREEN and YELLOW rooms. And they look fabulous!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
How much do you spend at the grocery store each week? and/or What most influences how you shop?
The Asker