Dear QotD?ers,
Excluding text books and china cabinet things, there are only 5 boxes left to unpack. That doesn't mean everything is neatly in its place (because some things are grouped in piles on the floor..) but PROGRESS!
Here, let me show you a picture of our dining room, with new china cabinet*
There are two things that I won't buy at the grocery store, but this is sort of untrue, since I've bought them before: sushi and pecans. Sushi because, well, raw fish intended to be eaten raw requires some skill and professional handling. Pecans because, well, they always come free and clean from my parents freezer. Since I don't live with them anymore, this limits my access to the Svatek Farm Pecans, but it doesn't make me feel better about buying pecans at the grocery store.
This week's questions are going to require some creativity** and faith (or suspension of disbelief). As you may surmise from the posts' title, the theme is Heaven! For this week, imagine that you have been fortunate enough to make it to Heaven, the afterlife, as ruled by God or 'supreme beings.'
Today's Question of the Day? is:
As a new comer, you have been invited to help develop 'Heaven Orientation.' This will become the program that all new souls will recieve and will cover all of the common questions, rules and possibilities.
What will you include in Heaven Orientation?
The Asker
*This is the point I got to last night when my computer started having serious problems performing my commands. I finally gave up on it, which is why the first of this week is showing up Tuesday morning. Apologies!
**None of us have been to Heaven and religious writings only give so much insight. Your 'heaven' can be however you want it.