Friday, February 6, 2009

Axiom Cookies

Dear QotD?ers,
If your fitness instructor asks the group which body region they want to focus most on, lie. We all came to this realization within 5 minutes of our extreme lower body workout.
I'm surprisingly alert and energetic this morning. I'm not sure if it's because of the nap I was able to take yesterday afternoon or the rediscovery of old files hiding in a folder titled "Kristen's Backup" in a folder titled "Justin's Backup" that was tucked away in one of my Documents folders. I listened to Ma Meeshka Mow Skwoz by Mr. Bungle and "ARRRR, I BE A PIRATE!" recordings from days of old.
Also, there's a large quantity of free sodas in the fridge in the galley. It's time to stockpile for a rainy day.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's the best fortune cookie message (or most recent, or most remembered) you've recieved in a fortune cookie?
I've saved some of those slips of paper that I thought were particularly poignant at the time. Like ones about finding true love when I was on dates with Justin, or ones about future job prospects when I was interviewing. Yestrday I got one that read "Sometimes it's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." That is not a fortune, or even a clairvoyant reflection on my character. I will be calling them axiom cookies from now on.
The Asker


groovysabrina said...

The one I remember best was taped to my mother's mirror through most of my childhood:

Procrastination is the thief of time.

Is it just me, or have fortune cookies become a lot less wise over the last decade?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this question! Here's why:

We decided to make our own fortune cookies for Valentines day. (By the way, for all the internet recipes that tell you how easy this is, know that they are liars! It is not necessarily hard, but...)

These will be some of the fortunes that people will find on Valentine's Day..

Today you will give your lunch money to Jacob.

Today you will sit in class with Nick.

Today you will see Jessica smile.

These are not axioms, and if Jacob has a very giving friend, there is a huge probability that they will all be accurate!! I don't know if they are wise, though.

Jessica's fortune cookies will be frosted and covered with sprinkles, don't cha know!

And you know what..children's projects are also the thief of time!!

Jackie said...

I remember last semester Matthew got a fortune inside his cookie that read, "Some Cookies Contain No Fortune." Lame. Yet true, I guess.

Anonymous said...

"Please help, I'm trapped in here."

No just kidding, but that would be pretty funny.

I like the ones with Chinese vocabulary lessons on the back.

Jessim said...

Well, I don't know if it really fits as "best" but it certainly was one I needed at the moment.

After a very very stressful day/week both of life and skating I was ready to call it a day 15 minutes into a session. I was famished- about to pass out, and decided I'd get an egg roll to eat, before I decided to stop skating, but either way I was going to tell my coach not to bother with the lesson.

The fortune "Your judgement is not so good at this time".

I took the lesson. It went okay.

Jackie said...

Oh, Justin, I agree! The ones with vocabulary lessons are the best.

Because we tend eat A LOT of fortune cookies when we got to Pei Wei, we try to stream together coherent sentences. It's rather difficult with five nouns and one verb.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Justin. My family will be using your suggestion and not giving you credit. Unless we decide to put in "Please help, I'm trapped in here and my name is Justin!"

We also thought a variation of Jacklyn's might be fun. "No fortune for you today!" It is funnier when you say it with a Chinese accent than when you type it on paper, though.

And if you enjoy the humor of teenage boys, the only fortune that Jacob came up with for procrastination was.."Procrastination rhymes with mastication." Then there was laughter for many minutes because he sents texts to his friends. Sigh. The thought process had come to a dramatic halt.

I guess I have not had a fortune cookie in a number of years. I was not aware of Chinese lessons. That would be fun.

Moana Shake said...

I like one that I got that said :
A surprise awaits you.

I am still waiting for what it could be. Maybe I missed it.