Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Dear QotD?ers,
Seriously, this banana bread is great. Anyway, it's October so flip your wall calenders. ~flip~ Ah, this month I get to look at an autumnal ecosystem called Skeenykill Pond (in New Jersey). I need to flip my kitty calender at home still.
For the moment some of you have been waiting for: Let's Guess your Lies!
Go back to this day's answers, review and decide which you think is the lie for each participant. At that point you may answer in shorthand format (George Washington: #2) or you can share your thought process on why you chose as you did for each person. You do not have to chose for everyone, since some of you have never met each other, but give it a try!
Also, don't read anyone else's response before you formulate your own.
Also, don't respond to your own Three Truths and a Lie. That will be a question for later.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is everyone lying about?
The Asker


Anonymous said...

TamiJean's lie is about the FFA trip. Ropers never look like dopers!!

Asker's lie is about all boyfriends being Methodist. Although all the good Catholics that I have known that did NOT marry a Catholic married a Methodist, I still choose this as the lie.

Aggieengineer's lie is about watching the Star Wars movies back to back. It seemed the only NORMAL statement, so it must be the lie.

Groovysabrina's lie is about being on the spelling team. Spelling team! What a laugh!

Kathleen's lie is about the drive-in movie. Same rationale as before..too normal of a statement.

Cunao's lie is about being pulled over in Missouri as a drug runner. Just a guess and not at all certain.

Alicia's lie is about brushing her teeth with her toes. Again, just a guess and not very certain.

Amanda's lie is about only going as far west as San Angelo. Again, it seemed the normal statement amongst crazy statements.

Kristen said...

TamiJean, I can imagine all of these things happening to you. With the knowlege that you grew up in the Mineral Smells area, these ruraly themed statements could be possible.
I chose your lie as #1, since I can't imagine a rancher leaving a dead cow in his pasture for a year.

Anne, you have led a crazy life and always have very strange stories to tell. From anyone else it would be an obvious fib, but the things that happen to you are hilarious but true.
I chose your lie as #4, not because I don't believe you capable of producing a scientific paper, but when would you have the time?

Justin, because we are married and discussed your statements at lunch, I will not respond.

Sabrina, I've gotten to know you better on QotD? than with our limited time during holidays. I don't remember hearing about having family in the midwest...
I choose #4 since I've never heard of a high school spelling team, especially in the Houston area.

Mom, I can accurately narrow it down to two. Either #4 is also true or it is a trick question.
I choose #1

Daryl, It's a toss up between #1 and #3
I choose #1 because I can't imagine gondola cabbies letting tourists pilot their boats.

Alicia, I think #3 would be a very good story to tell.
I choose #4 because I can't remember ever hearing about an official boyfriend.

Amanada, Green hair? hmm
I choose #4 on the assumption that your hair has never been green and your mom lived out in the country at some point, where 13 cats isn't unusual.

Anonymous said...

TamiJean: stinky carcass
Anne: in class with vampires
Asker: death by childhood
Sabrina: cow poo in the toes
Kathleen: DUI
Daryl: a ride on the short bus
Alicia: ring thievery
Amanda: crazy cat lady

groovysabrina said...

TamiJean: #1 Ew! I hope this one is the lie...

Anne: #1 Hmmmm...I have never heard of someone taking night classes to graduate high school.

The Asker: #3 If you can recognize songs within the first few seconds, wow, very cool talent!

AggieEngineer2K: #3 Star Wars marathon: This just sounds logistically difficult, even though it would provide excellent bragging rights.

Kathleen: #2 Belly-dancing recital? Hats off to you if this one is true!

Cuñao: I don't want to give this one away!

Alicia: #1 Seriously? brush your teeth with your toes? Might you also have a tail? :)

Amanda: #2 Thirteen cats?! You've gotta be lying...

alicia said...

TamiJean: #3 I don’t know why, it just seems highly improbable.

Anne: #1 I think anne is pretty brilliant, so I would be very surprised if she went to night school.

Madam Asker: #3 for some reason, I think you’re as bad at song lyrics as I am… but I may be projecting…

Sir Justin: #1 well, I believe everything else, but that one seems the most far-fetched

Sabrina: #2 I don’t think you can do that peyote stuff anymore... I think it’s kind of illegal…

Kathleen: #4 I just can’t believe that any theater of any kind would play some of those planet of the apes movies…

Brother-in-law: #1 I don’t think they let you pilot those things…

Amanda: #3 you can’t fool me!

Anonymous said...

Tami Jean--#2 the Club House story
sounds too normal

Anne, mother of 3,long division
no one loves that.....

Asker--#2 rolling across the floor
in movie theatre for $1
OMG, I hope not

Aggie Engineer-- not sure# Memorizing the Greek alphabet(just a gut feeling)

Groovysabrina--#4 the Spelling Team in HS

Cunao--don't know , but I'm guessing # 2, being pulled over in Missouri

Alicia--not sure either......#3 wearing 2 SuperBowl rings is my guess

Amanda--13 cats....that has got to be it! I've seen her with various colors of hair.

Anonymous said...

TamiJean: #1, Carcass, just ew.

Mom o' 3: #3, long division? doubt it. Was #2 the reason for #1?

Asker: #3, if you can name that tune, mad props.

Bro: #3, y'all would have dressed up for fun like that

Sabrina: I know this one!

Katheen: #4, where'd you find a drive in? ...And did you mispell your name on Sept 24?

Cuñao: HA! I know this one too!

Alicia: #1, I doubt that actually cleans your teeth

Amanda: #2, you mom isn't the cat lady

amanda said...

I'm going to guess at everyone's even though I don't know them:

TamiJean: Turkey vulture
Anne: 4th grade
Kristen: childhood near death accidents
Justin: Egyptian pyramids
Sabrina: American Indians peyote ritual
Kathleen: Car being towed for parking illegally
Daryl: pulled over in Missouri as a drug runner
Alicia: I KNOW THIS ONE! You can NOT brush your teeth with your toes!

I think after this we should have an updated post with pictures of people so I can have faces to put with web identities. Or maybe even a question of the day gathering at some point! That would be fun! I'm so excited for the results!