Friday, October 10, 2008

it's not the battery...

Dear QotD?ers,
Yes, chocolate eyeballs, they are pretty delicious. I've got them in my spooky candy dish at work. Also candy corn. I'm doing much better at limiting my candy intake this year than last, but last year I had reeses pieces. Those are even more delicious than chocolate eyeballs.
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's the longest your hair has ever been?
The Asker


Tami Parker said...

Past my bum, in high school.

Motivated by an utter lack of ever going to get my hair cut rather than aesthetics. =]

Kristen said...

6-8" inches above my waist. And it's probably been like that a few times in my life, since I've almost always had long-ish hair.

alicia said...

when i was younger, i had my hair down to my hips, but i think that comparatively it was longer earlier this year. i mean, if we're talking in absolute length, i just cut off six inches in august and it's still well over two feet right now. of course, it doesn't look that long since my hair is super super curly. i lose a lot of "lenth" to the circle.

groovysabrina said...

I think my hair was longest in grad school when I was on a shoe-string budget in terms of money and time! It went halfway down my back.

I have never been able to manage long hair very well, especially in warm climates. If I cut off six inches right now I'd have no hair!

Anonymous said...

To my eyebrows in front, in my ears on the sides, down to my shirt collar in back.

amanda said...

A few inches above my hips sometime in high school or early college. I can't even remember, it seem like it's been so long. However, after chopping it all and donating it to locks of love, I'm thinking about growing it back out.

Anonymous said...

Waist length at several points in my youth.
On the other side, I have also had it very short at several times in my youth. The shortest was in college when it was shaven up the back and a basic crew cut on top. It was very cute and curly and I loved it, but I surprisingly (????) was approached by a fair number of not so feminine women when my hair was that short. I learned that I should not try to confuse people, so I never cut my hair that short again. Because, really, it was not until about the fourth time that I was approached that I truly understood what was happening.

Unknown said...

My hair has been long enough to poke me in the eyes and flip out everywhere. Recently, as soon as my hair is long enough to touch my ears I cut it.

Anonymous said...

Probably down to my shoulder blades...
got it cut after Michael was born.....
longest it has been since kids......just to the top of my shoulders

Stacia said...

My waist, but that was when I was 5, so I'm not sure that counts. Since then, it was close to my waist in high school and once in college.