Monday, October 20, 2008

Little Bunny Foofoo hoppin' through the forest

Dear QotD?ers,
The weather has turned pleasantly cool and my feet have already started complaining about the perpetual cold they'll have to live through for the next 5 months.
Justin and I had a good time at the State Fair on Saturday. We saw so much! Have you seen an Egyptian tomb room made entirely out of butter? I have!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is the strangest deep-fried food you've ever eaten?
The Asker
P.S. ShamWOW


Kristen said...

The last time I was at the fair, we shared a deep fried PB&J&banana sandwhich 4 ways. I'm glad we shared because there was too much pure grease and sugar in that thing. I would have preferred the sandwhich unfried.

This year we got chocolate covered strawberry waffle balls and they were DELICIOUS! take some chocolate covered strawberries, dip them in funnel cake batter and then fry. We had to get two orders because I enjoyed them so much. the chocolate was all melty, the strawberries were incredibly delicious (and they were hot!) and the funnel cake batter 'waffle' was just the right amount of deep-friedness.

Anonymous said...

"Pickin up the field mice and boppin' em on the head."

Fried squirrel for Thanksgiving a couple years back was pretty far out. I got to hunt and clean it, too.

Anonymous said...

That answer is fried okra and fried testicles. I can honestly say that okra is better fried than not, but I have never been daring enough to try testicles beyond fried.

When Bob worked with the metally disabled, part of the job was taking them on "field trips." These were all adults, many of them living in group homes. They went to the state fair every year, as there is a special day designated for group homes for the mentally diabled.

When we go to the fair, which we did not this year, Bob always shows us the bathroom where he had to help one of the adults in his charge clean up after a extreme bout of diarrhea. Think state fair food, state fair bathrooms and the brown towels, think grown adult with mental disabilities. It is a funny story if you weren't the guy doing the clean-up duty. And so we pay homage to the restroom!! YEAH! State Fair memories!

Jessim said...

I had fried plantains this weekend. It's not really weird, but it was a first for me.

alicia said...

deep fried oreos. i could only eat half of one. it was very tasty, but WAY too much tasty-goodness to enjoy all at once. however, they don't keep well, so it was pretty much a one-bite kind of operation. but that's okay, because it was only $.50.

Anonymous said...

Hands down would be the Fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the Texas State Fair a couple of years ago. Sounded much better than it tasted!

Ben said...

I'm not super adventurous with stuff like this, so I'd have to say calamari

amanda said...

i've also taken part in the fried oreos. they are delicious, however, unlike alicia i can consume 3 in one sitting! they are super yummy!

other weird items: fried olives, fried pickles, fried calamari,

i highly recommend all of them!