Friday, October 24, 2008

...a GOON!

Dear QotD?ers,
You may be wondering what took me so long to do today's QotD? Well, even if I had woken up at 7:30 on my day off to prepare it, I couldn't have! Our internet was broken. Specifically, the ComCast server was having problems, but the tech support can only say things like "there was some damage." Whatever, it's working now!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What do you see outside the nearest window?
The Asker


Kristen said...

The window to my left shows the apartment complex. I can see our car and truck in the parkinglot, other vehicles, the playground, blue sky

alicia said...

well, i am currently sitting in a lecture hall, so there are no windows... but the *closest* window looks out over some grass, sidewalks, one tree, and the gross anatomy building. that's "gross anatomy" as the type of class, that's not my description of the class. but for the record, it is both. :-)

and i was devastated when i looked on QotD? and didn't see a new question this morning. but i had hoped that you got to sleep in this morning!!

Ben said...

I see into the backyards of my future in-laws neighbors

Anonymous said...

A bench swing, some trees, a beautiful day.........

Anonymous said...

My clothes drying on an ethernet cable fashioned as a clothesline. Beyond that there is a number of other apartment buildings, below which palm trees trace the street.

Anonymous said...

A garbage bin, which makes my view the most depressing of anyone's! And this is my Monday morning.

By the way, I got up this morning and made banana bread. When the kids woke up, they had fresh-from the-oven banana bread and fresh-from-the-dryer sweatshirts to greet the cold front that blew through last night. I told them that I was nominating myself as Most Wonderful Mom EVER. Jacob said he would wait til dinner to vote. Nick said he didn't need to wait for dinner to cast his vote, especially since we will be having fish. Jessica said that I am the best mom ever, though!! All that work and I got one lousy vote!!

Poor John McCain. I should send him some banana bread.

Kristen said...

Anne, that is a wonderful way to wake up : warm banana bread and warm clothes.
I'd vote for you as 2nd Most Wonderful Mom EVER.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if your vote counts? I think you might be a hanging chad in Florida, as far as this election is concerned. In that case, I wonder who the members of the Supreme Court are that will decide if I am the winner??

I hope this doesn't lead to eight years of Jacob and Nick resenting the fact that the election was stolen from them. That would be bad. I think I might just be happier losing, but having the banana bread and my own sense of satisfaction.

Auntie Barb said...

The time I read this post that day, I was at work and looking at a very busy highway with lots and lots of oilfield equipment going by!