Sunday, October 12, 2008

Secret Agent: 4 of 5

Dear QotD?ers,
I didn't used to be good at keeping secrets, but now I'm pretty good. The best secret I spilled was a surprise going-away party for a friend in Junior High. I had written a note to a friend and I let her read it - forgetting that I had mentioned the party in my note.
The best secret I kept was not telling my best friends that I knew it was them who were playing 'secret admirer' on me. I also kept secret my backfire plan where I asked other friends to send me 'secret admirer' notes, too, confusing the my best friends!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your weakness* - the thing that the enemy would only use for evil?
The Asker
*P.S. aside from threatening family and friends, etc.


Kristen said...

I love kitties so much. I talk to and try to make friends with any cat I see. If the enemy needed a sure-fire way to distract me, kitties would do the trick.

Anonymous said...

I would be hopelessly distracted by Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voyager) episodes on a TV. I would be compelled to watch to see if it was one I've seen before, during which time I would be easily captured.

Or my car breaking down. I know less than nothing about how to fix a car, so that would be game over for me.

Anonymous said...

Sardonic retorts. A biting wit will woe me. I could easily be ensnared and won over to the Dark Side with a barrage of Basil Fawlty-esque quips.

Ben said...
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Ben said...

Food. They could starve me for like, a day, then place a feast in front of me and I would be VERY hard pressed not to sing like a canary!

groovysabrina said...

Lack of sleep. Keep me up past 10pm and I will sluggishly lose all my motivation and perseverance for my mission.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate! Anything chocolate!
Also depression glass, antique dishes, etc.

alicia said...

hmmmmm, i'm not sure. maybe shoes. or clothes. or just apparel shopping in general. i guess that makes me sound materialistic, but it's probably my biggest weakness. i could resist food, all things cute, etc. but i do have a soft spot in my heart for clothes...