Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'll give you three more chances...

Dear QotD?ers,
Sabrina, I'm not sure of what to make of your muppet match, but you must have had some very intersting people in your group. Anne, Benno's percussive predictability about Alicia refers to the fact that they are both percussionists. We three are only percussionists currently participating regularly. Amanda, who answers but less frequently, is also a percussionist (with roots in the woodwind family)!
Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you consider yourself an agressive driver or a defensive driver?
The Asker


Kristen said...

I'm defensive almost always. I get very nervous when I need to pass a car on a 2-lane road. If I am alone in the vehicle and feeling very confident, I'll drive more aggressively. or maybe that's all in my head because I'm dancing to music.

The most aggressive driving behavior I have is turning onto a road. I look both ways to make sure I have enough room, but once I start pulling out, I don't look back and I don't hesitate. Punch it, Margret!

Ben said...

I'd have to say that I'm usually a defensive driver except when I'm on an urban highway. I believe that you have to drive like the traffic around you to be safest in those environments, so my agression increases a bit. Especially in Dallas, people up there do NOT know how to drive!!!

groovysabrina said...

Well, since I have not actually driven in almost a year, I will have to tell you about my walking habits. I am an aggressive pedestrian, waving my arms around all the time to buses and oncoming traffic so they see me and give me some room on the street.

jennifercaitlin said...

i'm defensive, unless someone forces me to go on the offensive.

then, it's WATCH OUT city.

bwa ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I am a woman driver and I make no apologies for this, as I am a woman. I have no depth preception, and generally panic when anyone else is sharing the road with me. I am grateful every time the state of Texas renews my driver's license, as I surely am unqualified for the task.

Bob has spent the better part of twenty years improving my driving skills, but he swears that he will never allow me to be an old lady behind the wheel of a car...he will put me UNDER a car wheel first! Honestly, I am thankful for this loving gesture.

By the way, I shared your question of the day with Jacob and Nick this morning on the way to school. Jacob voted for Animal, but Nick asked me what a muppet is!!! GASP!!

Jacob also found the phrase percussively predictable to be lots of fun. Nick was still wondering what a muppet was. GASP!!

Anonymous said...

Safe, and in the vanpool, doubley-safe. Gotta watch out for those talkers & texters. HANG UP AND DRIVE!

I can't stand sitting in TRAFFIC! Because I am convinced the only reason I have to sit there and watch idiots try to change lanes in bumper-to-bumper traffic is because SOMEONE was being an idiot and crashed. Grrr!

Jessim said...

Defensive. I'm way too much of a weenie to be an agressive driver.

alicia said...

i'm gonna have to agree with benno again today and say that i am defensive until i drive on the big roads of a big city. even then i check my blind spot, but i am much more likely to cut someone off on the 610 loop than on Center Street.

amanda said...

I am a defensive aggressive driver. After spending so much time on the road, I don't have time to wait around behind the pokey people. But I am always careful when I drive. I know how crazy other people can be.

Anonymous said...

I am a defensive driver!

Anonymous said...

I am a defensive driver.......
that's me

Anonymous said...

I'm a public commuter and do my best to avoid others on the bus. They're usually weeeird! 'cept Sabrina, she's ok.

When I did drive, my emotions played a roll. (I mean let's be honest here fellas, who's don't?) I agree with J regarding cell phones while driving. Go to a restaurant to talk on your cell phone like everyone else!

Auntie Barb said...

I'm both, but mostly defensive. Does daydreaming make you neither cause I do a lot of that on my commute through the woods to work.