Wednesday, April 21, 2010

chicken vs chicken

Dear QotD?ers,
Today I got a neti pot. This is the face I made before I used it: it is not much difference than the face I made after I used it. I can't really say that it feeels like it's done any good yet. I'll try again tomrrow.

I'm very loyal to ivory bar soap and blue bell ice cream. I'm pretty consistant with shampoo/conditioner, but every once in a while I'll change it up.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is the best way to eat chicken?

The Asker


kathleen said...

I know of people who 'swear' by a netti pot. Never tried one or had to try one........good luck with it!

Grilled chicken is is baked chicken.

I just about like chicken any way that it can be made.

The Minears said...

The best chicken is from Chicken Express or Wings n More. I LOVE chicken fingers, so one of the first things I do when I move to a new place is to find the restaurant with the best chicken fingers. In Clovis, it was Kelley's. In Misawa, it's Charley's.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Grilled chicken.

Not only did I have meatloaf, I got a hug for making meatloaf!! A big hug!!

I can't imagine that you did not feel a difference! That is like saying you don't feel dizzy after spinning around!

Jeannie said...

My favorite way to eat chicken is at a picnic with crisy fried chicken. Since I never do that anymore, my favorite way to have chicken is chicken piccata with that lemon sauce over it!

Tami Parker said...

I have a neti pot too and...that's the same face I made befor and after, too! *grins*

I'm still not used to it.

My favorite way to each chicken is cut up, marinated, drizzled with a light sauce, and over a bed of white rice. =]

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Fabric softener...

I worry about you sometimes. Never used fabric softener. Fffppptttt! There is no place like Schulenberg! There is no place like Schulenberg! FFFFppptt!

To be clear, dryer sheets are not the same.

Fabric softener makes your clothes and towels ooh so fluffy!! I know this as a fact because when we have guests they ALWAYS (and I do not exaggerate this) comment on how amazingly soft our towels are.

Jan McDaniel would tell me that this means my towels are not absorbent, as the fabric softener is opposed to absorbency. But you know what? No one has EVER said, "These towels are horrible and do not absorb the water!" Not one person ever.

But they will ooooh and aaaah over how luxurious the towels feel. I am the queen of fluffy, soft towels. And it is not because I buy expensive towels.

Jessim said...

Kevin really likes NeilMed sinus rinse- he uses a plastic bottle thingy instead of a netti-pot but it's the same idea. I'm not sure what's in the packages that you put in the water, but it might be worth looking into. (email me and I can snag a few and mail them to you to try...)

I really like chicken parmigiana (but can't spell it) chicken and rice (with cream of chicken soup gravy and cranberry sauce on the side) and when I go to Mongolian Barbeque's chicken is my meat of choice.

matt said...

with your mouth

groovysabrina said...

definitely with the mouth!

chicken preparation recommendation: soak your raw ckn breast in salty water for a few hours before cooking. you'll never eat dry chicken again!

Kristen said...

Mom, the neti pot is still a challenge to use.

Angel-A, I like that you always know where the best chicken fingers are!

Anne, What seasonings do you like on that grilled chicken?

2nd Mom, mmm

TamiJean, i love rice so much!

Anne, do you use fabric softener on loads that aren't towels? We don't have enough towel volume for them to be their own load.

Skittl, the packets that came with my neti pot contain salt and baking soda. I hear that's pretty standard.
Chicken Parmiasian is delicious, I agree!

Matt, agreed. i was wondering who was going to take my question in the literal direction! ;]

Sabrina, I havent hread this tip before! What if the recipe calls for an oil based marinade?