Monday, December 27, 2010

stuff or more

Dear QotD?ers,

Our sent/recieved ratio turned out to be 36/16. Man, that was a lot of cards. And most of that was to family and close familyfriends. We also got cards from our realtor, the OB doctor (well, the entire medical team at the facility, include one grumpus that they stuck on the end of the group photo) and Justin and I each got a card from the managers at work. It's the same card. But we are on the mailing list as individuals, not a couple. Really, they could save the stamp and the paper and I wouldn't mind.

Tonight we did some cleaning up in the house because we anticipate overnight guests tomorrow and Wednesday. Justin is finishing up the bathroom and then claims that we need to vacuum the living room again (I just did that a week ago!) I guess if he does it, I don't have a problem.
I'm real tired, though, so I'm going to fold that load of laundry that I did on Saturday, shower and go to bed. hopefully before the post-dinner heartburn kicks in, but I doubt i'll be that lucky. Seriously. I hate heartburn.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is one thing you recieved for Christmas that you are especially thankful for? (doesn't have to be a tangible gift! think as broadly as you like)

The Asker


Jessim said...

BTW: We really appreciated the card from you guys! it got hung up in the entry way.

My favorite thing this christmas was an actual gift: a serger :)
When we get back from vacation, I'm going to make some shirts for work.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Honestly, the thing that I am most thankful for is that our children are always happy with what they get for Christmas. Jacob got plastic dinosaurs and clocks and was thrilled. Nick got a remote control Ironman and a giant chess set and says it is the best Christmas ever. Jessica got a remote control car and new jeans, which she loves. I am so glad that they are not prone to greed or material possessions to define themselves.

Jeannie said...

I am most thankful that our whole family was able to be together this season. As our children and our neices and nephews grow up and marry, I hope we always try to make time to be together at holidays and special days. It is great to see all of the adults friendships grow as we add new family members. But, I sure do like some of the stuff I received also! HA