Wednesday, February 10, 2010

feel sorry for them?

Dear QotD?ers,

Yesterday and today we have seen ducks in the yard across from the fake lake. It appears to be a mallard with two of his lovely ladies. If I'd had stale bread, I would have thrown it out of my window at them as we drove past. I hear they make quite a mess if they live in your flower bed, but that's at least 7 houses down!

For dinner tonight we had tacos, with taco meat.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
If someones one phonecall from jail was to you, and it was a wrong number, what would you do?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

I cannot comprehend your question. There is excitement and silliness abounding this morning, as the ground is covered in beautiful snow. And it is picture day for Jessica, always a special event for little girls. She got to wear little heart earrings. Ahhh, to look beautiful and build a snowman all in the same day!!

I am glad I got new tires on Tuesday. I was smart.

Maybe your query will make more sense later today.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Taco Meat is hilarious!!!!

That is why you are fun!

Come play in the snow with us today! Hurray!!!

Tami Parker said...

I cannot see the taco meat link. Blawked at work. Bah.

Also, duck poo is supposedly very good fertilizer, and they eat bugs. I should think they'd be good for a garden!

As to the question, I would take down as much information as I could from them and promise that I would try to contact the person that they'd intended to call.

Jessim said...

It depends- if they were polite, I'd take down the information of the person they had hoped to call and attempt to contact them. If I couldn't, I'd probably contact the jail and tell them that X had called me unintentionally, and that X had been unable to make contact with someone they actually knew.

If they were rude, I'd hang up on them.

We used to have a woman call from a hospital- who would just shout "Come pick me up, I'm done". We'd get message after message on the machine for Kevin and someone (don't remember- but it wasn't Jessica). Well when we did answer and we told her it was the wrong number we'd just get "Kevin, you get down here and pick me up". We called the hospital a few times to tell them it was a wrong number, but we still had messages at least once a week from this woman yelling at us.

It kind of got funny, but I felt bad for her and always wondered how she got home. The calls stopped after about 3 months of this.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Okay, I am ready to answer.

Whoever is calling is somebody's child, or spouse, or parent. I would be heartbroken as a mother to think that my adult child needed help and did not get it. Within reason, I would do whatever I could to help.

@ Skittl,

Your story is tragically funny. I loved it. Poor Kevin!

The hallway has coats, boots, mittens, hats and extra warmie socks all ready. The stovetop has the makings for hot cocoa set out and there is a roast in the oven. I am waiting for three kids to get home for the MOST AMAZING SNOW EVER IN TEXAS! It is ankle deep and fluffy and will make for the most fun with snowballs and snowmen.

Hurry, Kristen! You will miss all the fun!!

kathleen said...

Ha! I love that 'Taco Meat'!

I'd probably just hang up and then feel badly that that was what I did!

It is about 3:13 p.m. and we had early release today. We've got about 5-6 inches of beautiful SNOW!