Tuesday, February 9, 2010

100% Cotton vs 100% hollywood

Dear QotD?ers,

Tonight we had a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs while watching Dr. Who, and then watched LOST! No, the show isn't getting any less complicated. And tonights episode focused on one of my least favorite characters. booo.

Is anyone interested in Valentine's themed questions?

Someone might choose gold dollars because those are the most awesome monies to use at the Renaisannce Festival!

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Why would you choose a free t-shirt over free movie tickets?

The Asker


kathleen said...

I guess it would have to be some awesome t-shirt!!!

groovysabrina said...

very unlikely. only if it were sleeveless and super cute. free movie tix are hard to pass up.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Wait. Are you giving away free movie tickets? I'll take movie tickets, but only because you seem determined to give some movie tickets away.

Nick has decided that he is willing to go see the Percy Jackson movie, but he is already upset that there are scenes that are not set up to his liking. He said that he just once would like a movie to reflect exactly what he envisioned when he read the book. I think he should quit reading. That would really solve a lot of problems.

Jackie said...

Movie Tickets > T-Shirt

And I would be up for Valentines Day themed question(s)!

Kristen said...

Mom, oh it is!

Sabrina, There are definately some super cute t-shirt material shirts that you have chosen

Anne, No, not really. So, what would you choose between a free t-shirt and 6 gold dollars?
My biggest problem with the movie trailer is that it SPOILS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MYSTERIES right there in the trailer! one that I had to wait until near the end of the book and turned out to be pivitol to the plot. ugh.

Jackie, true, but my question assumes you've already chosen the t-shirt MWAHAHAHAH.

Mother of Three, Anne said...


I've Got A Golden Dollar! I've got a golden twinkle in my eye!!

The most absurd answer is the best, especially if you are not taking all of us to the movies.