Sunday, February 7, 2010

animal charity

Dear QotD?ers,

I didn't even watch the SuperBowl! Justin bought Star Trek Online, a video game that allows him to fly through space and shoot lasers and then run around with a tricorder. I guess it's real awesome because he was playing that this afternoon. So I was playing my own computer game. I think that spike tv has put all of the commercials on the internet, if you want to see them.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Have you ever adopted a stray pet, or fed and cared for it for some time?

The Asker


Jackie said...

My parents cat was a stray that I began feeding in the garage, and Matthew's new puppy was a rescue from the animal shelter.

groovysabrina said...

oh my goodness nearly ALL of our pets were strays! The list is long. My mother cannot see an animal without a home and not want to take care of it. :)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Over Christmas break, Bob called me to the front door in urgency. It was a very cold and snowy day(maybe rainy, but I remember snow on the ground) and I thought he wanted something with which to dry himself off. Instead, he cracked the door to show me a very cold, shivery dog with very sad puppy eyes. We brought her in, feed her and gave her a warm place to stay for the night. We promised the kids, since she had a collar, that we would only keep her until it was warm enough for her to find her way home.

Ford was found running loose and nearly starved when Bob brought him home.

There have been several other dogs that we have taken in over time, some just until a storm passes, a few we kept when no owners were found.

Tami Parker said...

Not all of our pets have been strays or shelter pets, but most of them have. I have to be constantly on guard, else we'd be overrun with cats. Not terribly difficult to do currently, since we have a no-dog apartment with a one cat rule, but when we get a house, my gooey soft heart will be put to the test.

We did indeed go to the House on the Rock, and I promise to post a link to the pictures as soon as the hubby puts them up. My awe muscles broke about 2/3 of the way through and even an old submarine engine in a room full of copper vats, cannons, bronze statues, and other bizarre things was unable to revive my sense of wow. Overload.

I loved the carousel enough that I now own a tiny carousel turtle, though. He has a saddle and is adorable. He still needs a name.

Jessim said...

Our border collie was a stray dog. We got her when I was in 4th grade. She followed a friend and I home from a walk one day in the early fall. We put food out at the end of our street (about 10 houses) for her all fall and she just hung around the neighborhood. When it got cold, we let her into the house and then we had her for like 10 more years. She was a fantastic dog.

We picked up lots of other stray dogs too when I was a kid- so many that when a dog was lost in our area the shelter would call my Mom to see if she had found it.

My current dog is a shelter dog- and they found her as a stray, she wasn't turned in.

Jackie said...


I went to House on the Rock when I was eight and I STILL think about that place. It was crazy and awesome and had a paper mache whale!

Tami Parker said...


That giant whale is still there, fighting a neverending battle against a giant octopus. It was kinda scary to walk under it.

Kristen said...

Jackie, I can't wait to meet his puppy.

Sabrina, now I wonder how many pets you grew up with!

Anne, I'm so glad the shivery sad dog found a warm place for the GREAT FREEZE OF 2010.

TamiJean, make sure to include a picture of the turtle!

Skittl, wow! that is a lot of strays to have gotten the attention of the shelter.