Monday, February 22, 2010

Dear QotD?ers,

Yesterday it was 70ºF. tomorrow the high will be 49ºF. crazy Texas. We had lasagna soup tonight which was remarkably tastey

"Have a fantastic (day/afternoon/evening/night) and be safe!" I say that a lot generally, so I should be able to pull it off well.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Do you have a lot of family photos hanging up in your home?

The Asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

No. We do not have even ONE picture of any family member hanging in our home. We do have various framed photos on bookshelves, but not that many really.

We have artwork by family members hanging in our home, though. Wait, would the "Bob Art" count as a family photo? Bob's friend, Paul, went through a period where he did Bob Art. We have the piece where he painted Bob holding his newborn son (who was yet to be born at that point). The baby in the painting has a big nose, a full beard with great stubble effect, and circles under his eyes. It is hilarious. Would that count??

groovysabrina said...

some, yes. Wish we had more! Our walls are solid brick covered with mortar, so it's hard to hang stuff.

kathleen said...

Yes, I have one BIG family photo hanging in our home. The rest are photos in pictures frames on mantels, shelves, piano top, dresser. I have some photos of Gwyneth and Alyssa on the fridge. :)

Tami Parker said...

None hanging, no. Like Anne, I have a few standing on a shelf, but even then not very many.

Unless you count various movie characters as family, in which case my living room is decorated with them, larger than life.

Jessim said...

We have a good number of them- but most are outdated.

And there are lots of pictures of just me and Kevin- maybe we need to get a kid, because sometimes it looks like we think very highly of ourselves :)

Anonymous said...

Dear The Asker,
Oh yes! I have ever so many pictures of Mama Fandango, and Papa Fandango holding their little baby Fanda-- No! Of course i dont have any pictures of my family! How does it look when you have a hero suspended 60 ft above a tank of angry water lions and he looks over to the wall and says, "Is that you and your mother on vacation in the Bahamas?"
Dr. Fandango, Adventurer of the bahamas

Tami Parker said...

@Dr. Fandango
Oh, that made me laugh SO HARD. <3 I can't even think of anything clever to reply with.

Kristen said...

Anne, erm, I'm not sure if that BoB Art counts.

Sabrina, that sounds like my college dorm experience! very hard to hang.

Mom, I love that photo!

TamiJean, hA!

Skittl, outdated photos are permanent memories, I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with that. I've got this one wall that is JUST going to be pictures of me and Justin. I'm calling it the "Wall of US!"

Dr. Fandango, why, you are quite right. What a foolish thing for an evil villian to have around the lair.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Okay, what about the sketch my cousin made of my grandpa? Will that count?

Or how about the drawings of Ford? He is a family member, and Jessica made a fine drawing of him that hangs on the wall. Will you count that?

You should see the Bob Art before you dismiss it, though. It is fun, and remarkably accurate in presentation.