Thursday, August 26, 2010

Guest Asker: Anne

Today begins a new era. The first Guest Asker! Please welcome her stories and questions.

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Asking A La Anne

This week marked the beginning of school for an 11th, 7th and 3rd grader in our home. It was all fun and good until the 7th grader revealed the team he was on this year.

His school has a theme every year and they name the teams of teachers and students in accordance. This year the theme is Rock and Roll. The middle schooler is on Team ABBA. The other teams are Team Aerosmith and Team Monkeys.

Now, really? Team ABBA??? And in middle school?? They should have just gone with Team Queen, because their music was better. The high schooler and I decided to keep things fair the seventh grade should have Team Queen, Team ABBA and Team Elton.

And how does Team ABBA compare with Team Aerosmith? That is just mean.

And Team Monkeys?? Are we really gonna count them as a rock band??

Okay, that is a lot of questions and you're probably wondering if I got confused on the concept. But here is the only question participants need to answer:

If you were in charge of naming the seventh grade Rock and Roll teams, what band would you choose?


Tami Parker said...

Hey! Team Monkeys is AWESOME. "We're too busy SINGin! To put anybody dooooowwwwn!"

I am not as familiar with ABBA, sadly, but Aerosmith's songs never end (yes. We got the point that it's an elevator. You can end the song OH DEAR HEAVENS it's another repeat of the chorus), and the lead singer is a strange blend of attractive and terrifying, so I wouldn't trust THAT team at all.

I would probably be on the Big Bopper team, based solely on the fact that I would sing Chantilly Lace ad nauseum (ie: until the adults grew nauseous) before I could truly form sentences. "A wiggle in the walk and a giggle in the talk!"

kathleen said...

I find it hard to believe that
no picked 'The BEATLES" or the Birds or Red Hot Chili Peppers........but age is showing..........

I really do like the idea
of THE MONKEYS being the swing team.
That is just too good to be true!

Thanks ANNE!

Mother of Three, Anne said...


I did not even know there was a Big Bopper! Your team would be obscure and possibly make me prone to screaming "Stop it!!"


I do not know if they have a Team Beatles. I know they have a Team Journey.

I think that if I had to choose, I would be inclined to name my team Disturbed. It seems fitting for junior high. My other top choice would be Team Ramones and I could play "I Want to Be Sedated" everyday as my theme song.

Jackie said...

Hahaha. Oh Team ABBA. All I can think is Mamma Mia covers.

I would definitely want to be on Team Journey! Oh, or join Kathleen on Team Chili Peppers. Your age is not showing, just your awesomeness!

Another good question would be: Who has the authority to chose the theme and Team Names.

Ha. Is this Midlothian?

Mother of Three, Anne said...


Yes, still in Midlothian. It seems that teachers had the privilege of choosing team names.

I am disappointed that the band directors did not get to pick a team name.

A few weeks ago the kids and I humored ourselves by choosing classical musicians names as first names. I decided that Sousa is the best name ever!

Kristen said...

My first team: The Beatles. Because I love them and they are fantastic.
2nd: U2. They have a songs with political messages (= educational!), positive messages (=inspirational!), and they even have that teenage angsty song "I can't live with or without you"
3rd: Pink Floyd. They do some weird stuff. It would be entertaining to tie songs into lesson plans.

During brainstorming, I sould suggest Bread, but no one would be interested.

And my backup would be Journey, if Junior High kids like Glee, they would be fans already.