Wednesday, August 4, 2010

favorites: 4/5

Dear QotD?ers,

Hey! So You Think You Can Dance is on! Are you watching? I think the dances this week are allright, but I'm not super amazed. ooh, brr, I just got sprinkled with ice cold condensation from my drink. chilly!

My favorite room is our bedroom. We have some beautiful furniture and a cozy mattress. I love taking naps in there and it's great for reading. One day, when our BIG RED COUCH finally comes in, and the upstairs room becomes purposeful, it might win out!

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What is your favorite barnyard animal?

The Asker


kathleen said...

My first response would be 'chicken'.........thanks to Alyssa! :)
but really...any baby barnyard animal is pretty cute!

Moana Shake said...

The first thing that came to my mind is Charlotte, the spider. But in truth I hate spiders.

SO i will go with Hippos.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

Calves are so adorable with those super big eyes.

Bob's Aunt Wendy had a pet pig for a bit. She raises goats, which I do not find to be very adorable. (Cake has a song with the refrain "Sheep go to heaven. Goats go to ...") Buy Wendy's pig was a pet!

Silll not as adorable as calves.

groovysabrina said...


Tami Parker said...


I'm a fan of most barnyard animals, though. Pot bellied pigs make the most adorable gruntle sounds you can imagine, and calves are all bumbly awkwardness. Chickens coo and cackle and peep, while ducks chase flies through the air, hind feet paddling madly.

Jackie said...

Baby ducks.

Jeannie said...

Chickens, but not just white chickens, the kind with red,black, orange feathers. They look all dressed up and no place to go.