Monday, August 9, 2010

ducks and suspense.

Dear QotD?ers,

Man I have weird dreams. Last night there was mud boggin' out behind the old farmstead. There's always been a tiny creek back there, but in my dream it was a huge river. There was this crazy lever/ramp that all the atvs and SUVs drove on, hauling their boat (by chain), and if they got enough momentum it would swing them from the river bank to the dock. This was pretty entertaining. A four-wheeler managed it, but then a Suburban tried and slid back down to the bank. WHAT KIND OF DREAM IS THAT?

One of my favorite traffic signs is DUCK CROSSING. I find it delightful that ducks hold such a permanent residency that they get to have their own crosswalk. And then I look for the ducks, and even if I can't find them, I imagine a mama duck and lots of ducklings scrambling across the road. Awwww!

OK, now for some news. I've started working on a really big project. It's taking up a lot more time and energy than I originally anticipated. However, it's really important to me, so I'm putting Question of the Day? on hold. I'll try to get a QotW? in at times, but I just cannot handle a daily commitment right now. I thank you all in advance for being patient and understanding. I'm not going to give you any details about the project, because it's still early on and I want to make some more progress on it before I tell you about it. suspense!

Today's Question of the Day? is:
Would you participate if there was a Guest Asker?
Would you be interested in being a Guest Asker yourself?

The Asker


Jackie said...


Mother of Three, Anne said...

I will always participate.

As long as I don't have to stand up in front of a large crowd and speak, I could be a guest asker.

You are temporarily disrupting my home page and morning rountine, so CURSES!! I hope this project is worthy.

Jeannie said...

Yes, I would participate with a guest host...not sure about the guest asker. Good luck on the project.

Tami Parker said...

- yes
- yes

Good luck with the (ee, giddy suspense) surprise!

We sometimes get turkey crossing here - Big momma turkey and a whole passel of frantic little wobble-feeted baby turkeys, trying to keep up with the long-legged big turkey.

groovysabrina said...

sure and sure!

Anonymous said...

Dear the Asker,
Yes I will participate if there was a temp. However, if they may include, but not limited to, sleepiness, drowsiness, fatigue, heart burn or they induce projectile vomiting in 30 percent of users- sorry 50 percent. Or if they cause hair to start to smell like burning tires, and you have to move away from buildings and populated areas and apply a tinture of iodine to the head until you no longer hear what is considered a countdown or cause death around a ringing telephones that work at 900 MHz, then I probably won't.

And yes I will work as an Asker, but only if I get 10 super special cookie tallies..... every 5 minutes

Dr. Fandango, Lister of Side Effects

kathleen said...

Yes, I will participate if there is a guest asker.
I am not sure about being a quest asker myself.
Hmmmmmmmmm....guess I could come up with needed questions if I had to....