Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year! 3/9

Dear QotD?ers,

Today was a better day. I started the day with Pepcid AC which kept the heartburn away. Sadly, Justin had to attend a last minute meeting at work and we didn't get to leave until 6:15 today. Seriously? Seriously.

my 2010 goals:
-get together with friends once a month. I did really good for the first half of the year, then went completely off the radar for a few months. November and December were good, though.
-go to bed early. I did NOT do good for the first half of the year, then required early sleep as a coping mechanism. Success?
-exercise. fail, all around. oh well
-decorate the house and stuff. I did get some more frames up and the Christmas decorations looked real good.
-Make QotD? better. no, this did not happen. again, QotD? went off the radar for a few months
-Keep up with the 365 picture blog. see above.

from a pure numbers standpoint, 4 to 2. but that last 1 superceeds all the failures, so I have no regrets.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What was the most significant change for you in 2010?

The asker


Mother of Three, Anne said...

I have watched my children, particularly Jacob, over the past year and often longed for that time in my life when things seemed to continually move forward. I do not sense forward movement in my life now. Well, I guess change could be a negative as well, so in a sense the treadmill is not a bad thing. In all, my big, bold answer to that question becomes...I have grown my hair longer. Not sure I like it, but that is what I have done.

Sigh. Double sigh.

kathleen said...

The biggest change that comes to mind is my retirement from teaching. No regrets, but there is an adjustment period. I don't miss grading papers, writing detailed lesson plans....all that kind of stuff, but I do miss the people...the colleagues, the kids.
I do feel less stressed and definitely have more time for my creative,crafty side.

Daryl Brown said...

New Year's resolutions are always a mixed bag at the end of the year. What's important is not be discouraged by the past and truck forward into the future. Glad your secret goal was accomplished!

This was a year of change in our household. We changed cities, I (kinda) changed schools, Sabrina changed jobs, and we both changed marital status! On so many fronts, 2010 has been a wonderful year of change.

Jeannie said...

I am liking the changes in the Brown households this year!
We have a new baby due, a new official daughter-in-law and Lauren was accepted into the Nurse Aneth. program at TCU. I am also teaching two new courses at school, which is stressing my brain in a good way. All in all, good changes have happened and are coming our way.

Jackie said...

The significant changers were graduating from college, getting my first 'real' job, and getting engaged to the Asker's brother.

Jackie said...

*changes, not changers

Also, those are exciting changes and deserve an exclamation mark!

Tami Parker said...

Goodness, 2010 was such a year of changes, it's difficult to pinpoint the most significant of them. I believe it would have to be moving to the smaller apartment and all the downsizing that went along with that. Of all the things to change my life, it had the most impact on my inner peace, my relationship with my husband, and my happiness.

Kristen said...

Anne, I guess some years are just more eventful than others.

Mom, I'm glad there's less stress. Teachers work hard.

Daryl, yeah, you DID have a year of big changes.

2nd Mom, :D

Jackie, those are all excellent changes.

TamiJean, I still can't fathom us moving from a 2 bedroom to a 1 bedroom apartment, but I'm surprised and happy that it worked so well for you.