Tuesday, September 20, 2011

my Birthday!

Dear QotD?ers,

Without any announcing, some of you found/saw/checked that QotD? was back AND RESPONDED!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  If there had been no responses, there might not be a question today.  You are the fuel that feeds my questioning fire.  KEEP IT UP!

Today's Question of the Day? is:

What did you do to celebrate my birthday?

The Asker


Tami Parker said...

I emailed you and ate a handful of delicious salt and pepper pistachio nuts.

Jeannie said...

I sang Happy Birthday to you on the phone early this morning and hoped you had a great day!

Stacy said...

I celebrated my 8th wedding anniversary...well, not really, because Kris is in Houston all week. Booooo!

Jessim said...

I found a Shel Silverstein birthday poem for you.

Then I took an ice skating lesson in honor of you, or maybe because it was Tuesday.

(I saw the post yesterday but didn't respond because I just had nothing interesting at all. Glad QotD is back)

Mother of Three, Anne said...

We honored you and your geekiness at dinner by discussing the difficulties of counting on your fingers in binary. I noted that children would not be able to use their fingers to subtract 7 from 9 using binary counting. This morning Jacob figured out how to do that, although he admitted it was not for the less advanced kids.

We had brownies after supper and then I walked a mile with Jessica.

kathleen said...

Dad and I ate a Blue Bell Krunch Bar in honor of your birthday! :)
Dad and I also sang Happy Birthday to you over the phone.

Kristen said...

TamiJean, this is what my brain computed "I mailed you a handful of delicious salt and pepper pistachio nuts" with the visual image of a grubby hand cramming nuts into an envelope.

Jeannie, I love getting songs on my birthday!

Stacy, happy anniversary!

Jessi, that was great and random. Birthday, tuesday... I'll take it.

Anne, I love that dinner conversation. I especially love the brownie part, though.

Mom, more singing! AND BLUEBELL!

amanda said...

I went on a second date to celebrate your birthday! We went to a Mediterranean restaurant and then went and saw "Bad Teacher" at the movies!